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TES 210

Coding for Technology and Engineering Educators

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering

Course Description

Students will become familiar with and be able to use various coding languages needed to teach middle and high school technology and engineering courses.

When Taught


Grade Rule

Grade Rule 8: A, B, C, D, E, I (Standard grade rule)











Learning Outcome

<p>This course is designed to give you and introduction to programming and give you some basic skills and knowledge with the Python programming language and front end web development using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.&nbsp; This course will help you get a jump into the world of programming and give you a basic knowledge you need to move further into computer science.&nbsp; For those on the teaching track, we will cover some basic principles and structures that you would use in a begin programming or web development class.&nbsp;</p>



Learning Outcome

<p><b>Web Development</b></p> <p>We will review HTML, CSS and Javascript structure and create a portfolio website using mobile first design and development.&nbsp; You will want to have images and/or video available to add to your website from other TES courses you have taken.&nbsp; This is a chance to show off what you have done.&nbsp; We will also learn to use libraries such as Bootstrap and JQuery to enhance our websites.&nbsp;</p> <p>While both Python and HTML are considered coding, they differ in the way they are implemented and their uses.&nbsp; Therefore, we will spend the first half on python with a midterm test at the end of this module and the second half on HTML with a final at the end of that unit.</p> <p><b>Python</b></p> <p>We will learn some basic constructs of all programming languages using the Python language.&nbsp; These include variables, functions, libraries and classes.&nbsp; Class time will consist of half lecture and half lab work.&nbsp; You will be given programming assignments that be will written and tested in Repl.&nbsp; You may use each other and the internet as resources for help with construct and syntax, but your solutions should come from you.</p>