Computational, Mathematical & Physical Sciences
College of Computational, Mathematical & Physical Sciences
The College of Computational, Mathematical & Physical Sciences consists of seven departments: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Physics and Astronomy, and Statistics.
Dean: Grant Jay Jensen
Dean: Gus L Hart
Associate Dean: Kevin Seppi
Associate Dean: Jennifer Burrows Nielson
Assistant Dean: Steven M Johnson
Contact Information:
N-181 ESC
Advisement Center:
N-181 ESC
Freshmen who are interested in the physical and mathematical sciences but are undecided about a specific major are encouraged to register for one or more of the following science fundamentals core courses: Chem 111 or 105; C S 142; Geol 101 or 111; Math 112 or 113; MthEd 177; Phscs 121; Stat 121 or 151.
College Advisement Center
The advisement center provides information and help on registration, graduation requirements, policies and procedures, fields of study, changes of major, and many other aspects of the college's academic life.
Degrees Offered
Bachelor's degrees are offered in actuarial science, applied physics, biochemistry, chemistry, chemistry education, computer science, earth and space science education, geology, mathematics, mathematics education, physical science teaching, physics, physics-astronomy, physics teaching, and statistics.
The master of science degree is offered in biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, geology, mathematics, physics, and statistics. The master of arts degree is available in mathematics education. The doctor of philosophy degree is offered in biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and physics/astronomy.
See specific departmental sections of this catalog for baccalaureate degree requirements. Graduate programs are detailed in the BYU Graduate Catalog.