Marriott School of Business
At BYU Marriott, we attract students of uncommon maturity and optimism who know what it takes to build something that lasts. Award-winning faculty promote a rigorous academic experience in a spiritually uplifting atmosphere. Opportunities outside the classroom abound, including professional clubs offering career insights and practical help for finding a job as well as on-campus internships that offer real-life involvement in the business world. An active, dedicated network of faculty, alumni, and mentors help our students learn to lead.
BYU Marriott students go further, faster—they graduate having had intensive experience in unstructured, collaborative problem solving that goes far beyond what’s offered at other business schools. Our graduates are ready to listen, innovate, and mentor—always leading the way forward.
Dean: Brigitte Condie Madrian
Associate Dean: Blair Morgan
Associate Dean: Jeff Wilks
Contact Information:
730 TNRB
Advisement Center:
460 TNRB
BYU Marriott Undergraduate Advisement Center
Advisors are prepared to assist undergraduate students in successfully completing university, college, and major requirements. Students are encouraged to meet frequently with BYU Marriott advisors and personnel to understand registration, graduation requirements, fields of study, changes in major and transfer evaluation, and other policies and procedures. Please refer to the BYU Marriott Undergraduate Advisement office website for more information.
Undergraduate Programs
The BYU Marriott School of Business offers ten undergraduate majors:
Accounting has been described as the “language of business” and studies how businesses track their income and assets over time. Besides preparing financial statements and recording business transactions, accountants engage in a wide variety of activities including computing costs and efficiency gains from new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and acquisitions, managing quality, developing and using information systems to track financial performance, and deciding tax strategy.
Entrepreneurs seek to make the world a better place by creating valuable products and services that improve the lives of customers and add value to the economy. Entrepreneurs may create and start business ventures to bring these ideas to market, while others pursue these efforts as employees in companies ranging from startups to established firms. Still others may focus on acquiring, owning, and managing business ventures of all sizes and types.
Experience Design and Management
ExDM professionals specialize in the design, delivery, evaluation, and management of experience journeys. The field seeks to employ interdisciplinary design principles, management science, and social psychology to deliver impactful experiences across diverse contexts including business, hospitality, tourism, and special events. ExDM professionals design and manage customer journeys, employee engagement programs, events, and recreation experiences.
Finance is the study of the optimal allocation of scarce financial resources. The finance program prepares students through instruction from professors and hands-on experience. Special emphasis is given to critical thinking and problem-solving, and includes skill development in data procurement and analysis, firm and project valuation, fundamental analysis, risk hedging, and portfolio management and optimization.
Global Supply Chain Management
Global supply chain involves the control and coordination of materials and services from the original point of origin to the final point of consumption. Increasing competitiveness through higher quality, lower cost, greater responsiveness, and unique innovation is a critical aspect of supply chain management. Course work is designed to prepare students for managerial positions in manufacturing and service industries in such areas as purchasing, operations, logistics, and customer service.
Human resource professionals’ main focus is to recruit, develop, and retain the employees of an organization. They maximize an organization’s use of talent by finding and hiring capable employees, and providing training and development opportunities. As the bridge between managers and employees, they maintain positive employee relations and improve employee satisfaction, wellness, and performance.
Information systems involves the synthesis of business and technology. The field involves two broad areas: the acquisition, deployment, and management of an organization’s information systems resources and services; and the development of computer-based systems and technology infrastructures for use in organization processes. Professionals work in organizations of all types, helping maintain existing technology infrastructure and specifying technology solutions to business needs.
Marketing is the business function of analyzing markets and consumers to improve goods and services, and provide them at the optimal time, place, and price. Marketers oversee the process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning while integrating decisions about product, promotion, pricing, and placement or distribution. Marketers work in product/brand management, marketing analytics, social media, digital marketing, business-to-business marketing, retail marketing, and professional selling.
Strategists help companies achieve competitive advantage by developing plans that allow those companies to offer unique value to their customers. Strategists collect and analyze information about competitors, customers, and the resources and capabilities of the company. They use this analysis to make recommendations about where to invest and what actions to take in order to achieve superior firm performance.
Graduate Programs
The Marriott School of Business also offers the following graduate degrees:
MAcc Accountancy
MBA Business Administration
MISM Information Systems Management
MPA Public Administration
For more information on graduate programs, please refer to the Graduate Studies and BYU Marriott websites.