Evaluation of Transfer College Credit
All college transcripts must be provided to BYU as part of your admission. These transcripts must show final grades for all classes registered. Transfer Services in the Registrar's Office will determine the transferability of undergraduate credit to BYU.
In determining transferability of credit the following criteria will be considered: comparable credit hours, course level, seat time, and course descriptions. Vocational credit may not be accepted, even if earned at an accredited institution.
Additional factors that can affect the transfer of credit:
Military courses are evaluated using the ACE recommendations in the upper-division baccalaureate category from the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.
Official verification that the lower-division general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree have been completed is accepted from any regionally accredited college or university. The general education curriculum at that school must represent a broad university education and be comprised of a minimum of 30 semester credit hours. This official verification will complete most of the BYU general education requirements with the exception of American Heritage, Advanced Written and Oral Communication, Languages of Learning (unless a comparable class has been taken as part of the lower-division GE prior to coming to BYU), and BYU religion requirements. The remaining general education requirements may be satisfied by transferring equivalent courses or completing them at BYU. Students who have questions about the completion of university core courses are invited to contact the Transfer Team in the BYU Registrar's Office, (801) 422-8522, for further information.
Credit is evaluated on a course-by-course basis for students who do not complete an associate of arts or science degree. Transfer guides have been established for some of BYU's main feeder institutions. A list of these transfer guides can be found at https://enrollment2.byu.edu/transfer-guides.
Credit earned more than eight years before admission or readmission (including transfer credit) may, at the discretion of the university, be accepted to meet general education and university graduation requirements as well as major requirements.
Credit earned from an LDS institute of religion must be posted to an official CES transcript.