NDFS 374

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Food Production Management

Course Description

Managing processes and techniques of quantity food production in commercial and institutional food systems.

When Taught










Other Prerequisites

Dietetics major status


Menu Planning for Institutional Feeding

Learning Outcome

3. Demonstrate knowledge of principles of menu planning through creating an appropriate menu for institutional feeding to meet needs of target population. KRDN 3.6: Develop nutritionally sound meals, menus and meal plans that promote health and disease management and meet client's/patient's needs  KRDN 4.6: Explain the processes involved in delivering quality food and nutrition services.  Measured/Met by: Quiz, Menu Planning Assignment, Menu Modification Assignment, Modified Consistency Assignment, Midterm and Final Exams


Foodservice Industry

Learning Outcome

1. Explain the foodservice industry in the context of a system and describe food consumption issues and trends for consumers. KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.  KRDN 4.6: Explain the processes involved in delivering quality food and nutrition services.  Measured/Met by: Make-Buy Assignment, Menu Assignment, Menu Modification Assignment, Modified Consistency Assignment, Financial Case Studies, ServSafe exam, Quiz, Midterm and Final Exams


Food Product Flow

Learning Outcome

2. Identify different paths of food product flow and understand the advantages and disadvantages of these operations. KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.  Measured/Met by: Quiz, Make-buy Assignment, Midterm and Final Exams 


Therapeutic Menus

Learning Outcome

4. Understand the importance of aesthetically pleasing therapeutic menus and apply knowledge to meet individual or group dietary needs. KRDN 3.6: Develop nutritionally sound meals, menus and meal plans that promote health and disease management and meet client's/patient's needs  KRDN 4.6: Explain the processes involved in delivering quality food and nutrition services.  Measured/Met by: Menu Planning Assignment, Menu Modification Assignment, Modified Consistency Assignment, Midterm and Final Exams


Standardized Recipes

Learning Outcome

5. Discuss need for standardized recipes and appropriately quantify recipes for volume food production. KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.  KRDN 3.6: Develop nutritionally sound meals, menus and meal plans that promote health and disease management and meet client's/patient's needs  Measured/Met by: Quiz, Menu Planning Assignment, Midterm and Final Exams


Quantity Food Production Techniques, Terminology, and Equipm

Learning Outcome

6. Apply knowledge of quantity food production techniques, terminology, and equipment used for: soups, sauces, meat, poultry, fish, egg and dairy foods, vegetables, fruits, salads, sandwiches, and baked goods KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.  KRDN 4.6: Explain the processes involved in delivering quality food and nutrition services.  Measured/Met by: Quiz, Menu Planning Assignment, Modfied Consistency Assignment, Midterm & Final Exams 


Food and Labor Costs

Learning Outcome

7. Accurately calculate food, labor, and inventory costs for financial accountability KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.   KRDN 4.2: Evaluate a budget/financial management plan and interpret financial data.   KRDN 4.7: Evaluate data to be used in decision-making for continuous quality improvement.   Measured/Met by: Quiz, Make/Buy Assignment, Financial Case Studies, Midterm and Final Exams 


Principles of Sanitation and Safety in Foodservice

Learning Outcome

8. Students are able to apply the principles of sanitation and safety to foodservice, and recognize the impact on consumers after becoming ServSafe certified. KRDN 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.   KRDN 4.5: Apply safety and sanitation principles related to food, personnel and consumers.  Measured/Met by: Quiz, ServSafe Certification, ServSafe Allergy Certification, Food Handling Observation Assignment, Midterm and Final Exams 


Understand the importance of allergens in quantity food production

Learning Outcome

9. Apply understanding of allergens in the context of a foodservice operation. KRDN 4.6: Explain the processes involved in delivering quality food and nutrition services.   KRDN 4.5: Apply safety and sanitation principles related to food, personnel and consumers.  Measured/Met by: Quiz, ServSafe Allergy Certification (optional), Midterm and Final Exams


2022 Standards Core Knowledge for the RDN

Learning Outcome

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutritional Dietetics Core Knowledge for the RDN  2022 Standards