GERM 330

Cultural History of German-Speaking Peoples

German and Russian College of Humanities

Course Description

Culture, with listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar as secondary emphases. Includes International Cinema.

When Taught

Fall; Winter; Spring.









Other Prerequisites

Germ 202 or equivalent experience.


Entry course for returned missionaries or others with equivalent German language experience. Required course for obtaining language credit by examination (Germ 101, 102, 201, 311R). Prerequisite to all 400-level courses. Culminating course for Languages of Learning requirement.



Learning Outcome

(All of the below Correspond to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #3) Students will demonstrate that they can write a coherent, logical and organized argument in formal writing assignments that they complete each week or every two weeks.   Students will complete at least 30 pages (12-point font, double spaced) of formal academic writing over the course of the semester.  A significant portion (one fourth to one half or more) of the writing should be in German. A 5-7 page final research paper or a significant re-write of a previously-written paper will be required for all 330 students.  All 330 students will complete a final exam in addition to their final paper.



Learning Outcome

(All of the below Correspond to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #3) Each 330 student will be required to give at least one presentation in front of the entire class.  If these reports are in German, the evaluation of language skills will only make up a small fraction of the grade (5-10%).  The rest of the grade will evaluate the student's organization, research, argument, intellectual rigor, relevance, presentation skills, power point, visual aids, etc.  The Professor will spend dedicated time in class instructing students about the basics of an acceptable academic oral presentation, and provide the students with detailed grading criteria that insure a high quality of student presentations.  Students will be responsible for the information that they learn from their fellow students' presentations.  This will be evaluated through papers, in-class essays, interviews, or some other means to be decided by the instructor.



Learning Outcome

(Corresponds to German Literature Program Learning Objective #3 and #5) Each 330 student will be required to complete advanced library and bibliographic research in some aspect of the course.


Course Content

Learning Outcome

German 330 is meant for two different kinds of students: 1) those who have learned German in an academic setting and 2) returned missionaries.German 330 courses cater to the needs of both of these groups equally, and do not marginalize the learning needs of either group.     (Corresponds to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #1 and #2) German 330 students will learn about multiple aspects of German cultural history.  In addition to basic historical narrative, students will learn about music, art, architecture, literature, philosophy, the German language. They will be made familiar with various lenses for looking at history (gender, race, class, religion, etc).     (Corresponds to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #4 and #5) Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of basic historical eras and intellectual/aesthetic movements including the Carolinginian period, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, the Revolutionary period, the Gründerzeit, Modernism, Historicism, the Weimar Republic, The Rise of Fascism,  Post-War period, the Reunification, and Post-Modernism.        (Corresponds to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #4 and #5) All students of German 330 will take the Department 300-Level Placement exam.  This is the test that places students into German 301 or 302 according to their language skills. The students' scores on the placement exam will in no way affect their grade in the course.  Some students may choose to use this test as their 16-credit Residency Exam.  These students need to receive the appropriate forms and instructions from their professors.        (Corresponds to German Literature Program Learning Objectives #1 and #2)