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POLI 391

Advanced Seminar on Current Issues

Political Science College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences

Course Description

Briefings and lectures from government officials and agencies, as well as directed readings on current issues.

When Taught

All Semesters/Terms

Grade Rule

Grade Rule 10: A, B, C, D, E, T, I (Standard grade rule with a T option)









Other Prerequisites

Acceptance to Washington Seminar.


For students interning in Washington, D.C.


Faith and Political Analysis

Learning Outcome

Students should always remember what is cited in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 134: 1: "We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man; and that He holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society," and apply this to studies.


Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy

Learning Outcome

During the course of this semester, we intend to identify some best practices which might improve both the overall U.S. system of governance and the ability of government officials in Washington, D.C. to represent the citizens of the United States of America more effectively.


Politics, International Relations and Political Philosophy

Learning Outcome

Students will be expected to examine policies and institutions with the intent of seeing how the overall policy-making processes and institutions might be ameliorated.


Faith and Political Analysis

Learning Outcome

Be able to articulate principles of faith in political analysis.


Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate a familiarity with each of the four major subfields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy.


Participation in Political Processes

Learning Outcome

Participate effectively in political processes by having an appropriate knowledge of international and national politics and political thought.