SFL 476

Secondary Student Teaching - Consumer Science

Family Life College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences

Course Description

Capstone, field-based, semester-long experience in teaching secondary students; demonstrating proficiency in all program standards. Seminar required.

When Taught

Fall and Winter





Other Prerequisites

Prior application; requires a major GPA of 3.00, at least a C grade in all major and minor courses; FBI fingerprint background clearance.


All core and education classes


Instructional Practice

Learning Outcome

Candidates utilize content knowledge, assess to inform instruction, plan instruction based upon Core Curriculum standards, and implement instructional strategies that engage students and promote content understanding.


Professional Responsibility

Learning Outcome

Candidates continually reflect on and evaluate their teaching practices, actively seek opportunities to grow professionally, engage in ethical behavior, and collaborate with stakeholders (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community).


SFL 476R - Student Teaching- Family and Consumer Sciences

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of the Family and Consumer Sciences Program, teacher candidates meet the needs of secondary students through competencies related to Utah Affected Teaching Standards. Program outcomes include:  Learner and Learning: Candidates understand how students learn and develop, recognize individual and cultural diversity, and design learning environments that create positive classroom climates.


Utah Effective Teaching Standards

Learning Outcome

 Candidates will demonstrate basic competency in the Utah Effective Teaching Standards as assessed by the Performance Assessment and Evaluation System (PAES)