PHY S 100

Physical Science

College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Course Description

Conceptual lectures and demonstrations of the most significant and universal laws and models describing the physical world by faculty from the Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Geology departments.

When Taught

Fall; Winter; Spring; Summer.








Satisfies GE Physical Science requirement. Additional seats for specific sections may be available to Freshman Mentoring participants through envelopes. Help is available for multicultural students. See instructor. Also offered by BYU Independent Study; enroll anytime throughout year; one year to complete; additional tuition required; register at


Further Scientific Questions

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to explain how these principles and models in turn lead to further scientific questions.


Express Scientific Ideas

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to express their thoughts (in oral, graphical, and written formats) on scientific topics clearly, including appropriate use of basic scientific vocabulary and effective interpretation of quantitative data.


Observe and Apply Physical Principles

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to observe physical phenomena and recognize and apply the fundamental principles of science to these simple physical situations.They will also be able to extend these principles and models to situations they have not observed and make predictions about the outcomes.


Public Policy

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to evaluate scientific data and claims in order to make rational decisions on public policy issues related to science that affect them and their communities.


Science and Religion

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to rationally reflect and discuss about the interface between science and religion.