Issues in Contemporary Art, Aesthetics, and Criticism

Art College of Fine Arts and Communications

Course Description

Overview of issues in contemporary art, aesthetics, and art criticism.

When Taught











Contemporary Art Critique and Writing

Learning Outcome

Students will learn about the works of many contemporary artists, write critical responses to a number of artworks, share responses with fellow students, and discuss and defend their written work. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills, including description, analysis, interpretation, and explication of form, meaning, and value with respect to works of art.



Learning Outcome

Students will gain a deep appreciation for power of the visual arts, including contemporary art, to evoke understanding and compassion.  They will be inspired as they increase their understanding of the spiritual dimensions of art. Critically reflect on the student's own creative works in relation to various researched audiences, publics and discourses, balancing the interrelationships among the individual, others, and Deity. They will gain insight into how to judge artwork in the context of gospel principles and develop inner richness, a sanctuary of the mind, and spiritual insight.



Learning Outcome

Investigate a variety of practices and methodologies used by contemporary artists, pedagogues, and critics to discover multiple meanings, and to interpret, critically appreciate, and respond to works of contemporary art. They will gain an appreciation of the importance of historical and cultural contexts of art. 


Lively Engagement

Learning Outcome

Students will expand their knowledge of contemporary artists, write critical responses to a number of artworks, share responses with fellow students, and discuss and defend their written work. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills, including description, analysis, interpretation, and explication of form, meaning, and value with respect to works of art. The student will apply contemporary practices and conversations to the student's own artistic investigations, engagements, and works in a sophisticated and professional manner, in relation to various discourses and feedback (from the teacher, literature, classmates' interpretations, etc).


Personal Appreciation Aesthetics and Artistic Practice

Learning Outcome

Both students and instructor will broaden their personal aesthetic perspectives and develop a deep appreciation of the myriad aspects of contemporary art. Students will gain artistic confidence that is grounded in their own experience working in artistic media.