Modern Art

Comparative Arts and Letters College of Humanities

Course Description

Modern European art and theory, 1900--1945.

When Taught

Fall and Winter










Term Paper

Learning Outcome

Students will gain experience and skill in art historical research and writing.


Art Research and Writing

Learning Outcome

Students will develop art historical research skills by conducting advanced research focused on a single work of art within the Modern period. Students will apply methodological approaches acquired in ArtHC 300 to their topic. Students will situate their informed, original ideas within the best art historical publications on their subject. Students will demonstrate familiarity with advanced research skills and best research practices as taught by the course professor and supported the HBLL Art History research guides. Students will apply the formatting of an acceptable style guide with exactness to the completed research paper.  


Modern European Art & Architecture, 1900 to 1960

Learning Outcome

Students will acquire a solid foundation in the historical context of European art and architecture from c. 1900 until c. 1960, as well as some introduction to American modernism as influenced by European developments. Students will be able to articulate the characteristics of the styles, processes, and ideologies and philiosophies of key artists and movements, including Expressionism, Cubism, Dada, Surrealism and other modernist movements in France, Italy, Britain, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and East Europe, as well as Abstract Expressionism and the New York School in the United States. Students will become conversant with selected works of art in terms of style, patronage, reception, and meaning of individual works of art and the artists or movements that spawned them.  They will be able to trace the trajectory of future influence of key works of art from this period, as well as see art of the period as building upon its antecedents.