POLI 386
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Japanese Foreign Policy
Political Science
College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences
Course Description
Process and outcomes of Japan's foreign policy; analysis of its relations with other nations in a historical and contemporary setting.
When Taught
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Be spiritually strengthened
Learning Outcome
Be able to articulate principles of faith in political analysis-Students will articulate and discuss the moral issues surrounding the US decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan, decisions to wage war in East Asia, imposition of the Western international system on East Asian countries, dealing with war guilt and war atrocities, pacifism, foreign aid, and human rights.
Faith and Political Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will articulate and discuss the moral issues surrounding the US decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan, decisions to wage war in East Asia, imposition of the Western international system on East Asian countries, dealing with war guilt and war atrocities, pacifism, foreign aid, and human rights.
Effective Research and Analysis
Learning Outcome
In each class period students will be asked to identify the main points of the assigned readings as well as the evidence presented to support those main points. This method will exposestudents to each of the methods of analysis and research described above, seeing how eachmethods is used in the context of well-regarded research. Students will also be expected to critique each article, including its methods used.
Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy
Learning Outcome
Students will study important theories of international relations as applied to Japan’s relations with other countries.
Effective Oral Communication
Learning Outcome
Each student will present his or her research to the rest of the class in a carefully evaluated oralpresentation. In addition, each student will participate in evaluating the presentations of other students.
Integrity in Daily and Civic Activities
Learning Outcome
Students will reinforce professional honesty and integrity by learning about the real world consequences of deceit in international relations, especially as they relate to Japan’s relationswith other countries.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will have a rare opportunity in this course to set the topics for each day’s discussions based on their own analysis of theassigned readings. In each class period one or two students will be called on to lead a discussion of the implications of that day’s readings, and the implications identified by the students will be the topics that occupy the bulk of each class day’s discussions.
Political Process, Theory and Thought
Learning Outcome
Students will learn the facts, events, personalities, and ideas that have animated Japan’s relations with other countries from about 1850 to the present.
Participation in Political Processes
Learning Outcome
Students will become more informed voters and participants in political processes by learning the history of US involvement in China,Japan, Korea, and in war, imperialism, trade disputes, democratization, reparations, and the United Nations and East Asia.
Effective and Professional Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will write two separate research papers, both on topics of their own choosing. The papers will requireoriginal research, organized and clear presentation of ideas, and adherence to high standards of grammar and style.
Effective Citation
Learning Outcome
Students will be expected to adhere to the highest standards of intellectual honesty in writing both research papers and in theiruse of materials for their oral presentation.
Faith and Political Analysis
Learning Outcome
Be able to articulate principles of faith in political analysis.
Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy
Learning Outcome
Demonstrate a familiarity with each of the four major subfields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy
Political Process, Theory, and Thought
Learning Outcome
Possess a factual and theoretical knowledge of countries, political processes, political theories, and political thought.
Effective Research and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Use appropriate methods of analysis and research, including qualitative and quantitative methods, historical comparison, and textual interpretation to answer political questions.
Effective and Professional Writing
Learning Outcome
Write professional grade research papers on political science questions.
Effective Oral Communication
Learning Outcome
Communicate effectively by presenting ideas in a high quality oral presentation.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Think critically, analytically, and synthetically.
Participation in Political Processes
Learning Outcome
Participate effectively in political processes by having an appropriate knowledge of international and national politics and political thought.