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Media Law and Responsibility
College of Fine Arts and Communications
Course Description
Introduction to First Amendment history and press freedom, law, and theory; media regulation and policy; relationship between law and ethics; key ethical issues in professional communications.
When Taught
Fall, Winter, Spring
Other Prerequisites
Major status
This class is for Comms majors, minors and for Pre-Comms students who wish to take it during the semester in which they apply to the program. If you are a Pre-Comms student, please see for information on how to add the class.
Legal Boundaries of Appropriate Use
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to practice communication within legal boundaries by employing appropriate use of others' work (in attribution, copyright, trademarks, etc.).
Legal Constraints and Defenses
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to practice communication within legal boundaries by demonstrating an ability to identify legal constraints and defenses that shape mass media messages.
Free Speech Laws and Statutes
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to practice communication within legal boundaries by writing and constructing messages that meet the laws and statutes applied to free speech.
First Amendment: Press and Speech
Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate they value freedom of speech in the marketplace of ideas by knowing how First Amendment rights extend to press and speech.
Historical Development of Free Speech
Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate they value freedom of speech in the marketplace of ideas by understanding the historical development of free speech.
Legal and Moral Limits of Free Speech
Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate they value freedom of speech in the marketplace of ideas by recognizing the legal and moral limits of free speech.
Current Issues in Free Speech
Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate they value freedom of speech in the marketplace of ideas by applying the concepts underlying this principle to current issues.
Preserving Freedom of Speech
Learning Outcome
Students will demonstrate they value freedom of speech in the marketplace of ideas by by showing a commitment to preserving freedom of speech, even when it may be contrary to majority views, opinions, or values.
Ethical Issues
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate sensitivity to the ethical issues of their practice by becoming familiar with prominent cases that demonstrate ethical issues in the communication industries.
Professional Values and Ethical Behavior
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate sensitivity to the ethical issues of their practice by identifying professional values that contribute to ethical behavior.
Ethical Complications in Professional Practice
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate sensitivity to the ethical issues of their practice by discerning possible ethical complications in professional practice.
Addressing Ethical Concerns in Practice
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate sensitivity to the ethical issues of their practice by defining a communications situation that addresses the ethical concerns of alternative actions or decisions.
Moral Reasoning and Ethics
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to exercise moral reasoning when faced with ethical dilemmas by articulating the values that underline their ethical framework.
Ethics Theory and Application
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to exercise moral reasoning when faced with ethical dilemmas by applying principles and theories of ethics to current issues.
Ethics and Gospel-Centered Values
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to exercise moral reasoning when faced with ethical dilemmas by resolving ethical dilemmas using moral reasoning based on Gospel-centered values.