EXSC 455

Worksite Health Promotion

Exercise Sciences College of Life Sciences

Course Description

Managing, designing, marketing, implementing, assessing, and administering health promotion programs in a worksite setting.

When Taught

Fall; Winter.










Health Promotion Concept

Learning Outcome

Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the health promotion concept, historical background of worksite health promotion programs, and the rationale for companies to provide a health promotion program. This objective will be accomplished through class lecture/discussion and students will be evaluated through quizzes and exams.


Worksite Health Promotion Program

Learning Outcome

Develop a worksite health promotion program through a semester class project.


Health Displays

Learning Outcome

Have the opportunity to work in conjunction with a team to develop a health display to be presented to the class.


Components of Worksite Health Promotion Programs

Learning Outcome

Better understand each of the following components in the design and execution of a worksite health promotion program: determining needs and interests of employers and employees, writing vision/mission/goal statements, best practices, creating a company culture of wellness, launching a program, incentives/rewards, and company wellness policies. This will be accomplished through lectures and a semester project.


Health Assessments

Learning Outcome

Increase understanding of effective health assessments and how to interpret the assessments. This will be accomplished through lectures and evaluated through quizzes and exams.


Evaluating Programs

Learning Outcome

Increase understanding of how to effectively evaluate programs. This will be accomplished through lectures and evaluated through quizzes and exams.


Practical Experience

Learning Outcome

Gain practical experience and learn from experts in the field. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) each student will critique an existing worksite wellness program and present the findings to the class, 2) approximately 5 class periods will be devoted to studying transcripts of various interviews with experts in the field, and 3) 5 class periods will include visiting lecturers who are currently working in the field.


Essential Elements

Learning Outcome

Be able to demonstrate the essential elements of common worksite health promotion programs such as physical activity, nutrition, weight management, medical self-care, stress management, substance abuse/tobacco control, and back care programs. This will be accomplished through lectures and class presentations.