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Practicum in Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education
College of Computational, Mathematical, & Physical Sciences
Course Description
Observing secondary mathematics classrooms as a means of reflecting on teaching practices that support student learning of fundamental mathematical concepts, including use of high-cognitive demand tasks and orchestration of mathematical discussions as well as eliciting, making sense of, and building on student mathematical thinking.
When Taught
Fall and Winter
Other Prerequisites
Concurrent enrollment in MthEd 377
Instructional Design for Mathematics Learning
Learning Outcome
Students understand how to design learning environments and mathematical experiences that engage all adolescents in the exploration and development of mathematical ideas, as well as how to effectively foster these environments and orchestrate these experiences by promoting conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and authentic mathematical practices.
Analyzing Classroom Instruction
Learning Outcome
Students can analyze and describe the mathematical experiences of adolescents in terms of the tasks, discourse and learning environments they observe in public school classrooms, and can reconcile the theoretical principles of their university experience with the reality of a secondary classroom.
Learning Outcome
Students demonstrate their professionalism through maintaining appropriate relationships and behavior in the school setting, and improve their practice through reflection and by providing, soliciting and incorporating feedback.
Understanding of Mathematics Learners
Learning Outcome
Students understand that adolescents develop mathematical knowledge by building on prior knowledge and experience; that adolescents differ cognitively, linguistically, socially, emotionally, and physically; and that adolescents learn best when given regular opportunities to reason about and make sense of mathematics in an environment of high expectations and strong support.
Examining Privilege and Oppression in Mathematics Classes
Learning Outcome
Students identify and influence the mathematical and social positions held by each adolescent in a particular classroom. Students will recognize how systemic oppression and privilege is evident in mathematics classrooms and examine their own teaching to identify practices that privilege or oppress individual adolescents.