POLI 324
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Political Psychology
Political Science
College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences
Course Description
Survey of classic and contemporary research in political psychology. Special focus on how citizens think and feel about politics and the ways in which those beliefs shape their interactions with the political world.
When Taught
Contact Department
Other Prerequisites
Poli 200.
Poli 328
Political Process, Theory, and Thought
Learning Outcome
Students will become familiar with basic theories and controversies in political psychology by reading a selection of classic and contemporary works in the field.
Political Process, Theory, and Thought
Learning Outcome
Because reading assignments include journal articles and book chapters with heavy theoretical and empirical emphasis, they will gain a better understanding of how to read contemporary work in political psychology and evaluate the theory, empirical results, and substantive implications of the work.
Political Process, Theory, and Thought
Learning Outcome
Because the course is structured as a seminar, students will be expected to come to class prepared and participate actively in class discussions. The goals of class discussions include a better understanding of the course reading, critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each reading, and increased understanding of the implications of the reading for contemporary democracy.
Effective and Professional Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will complete a major paper as part of the course requirements. This paper will include a full experimental research design that addresses a meaningful research question in political psychology.
Effective Research and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will better understand the strengths and weaknesses of various research methods, including in-depth interviews, surveys, lab and field experiments, and other approaches found in political psychology.
Effective Research and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will read, evaluate, and discuss a selection of the most important works in political psychology, with a special focus on the psychology of mass political behavior. Because much of this work is quantitative, students will gain experience understanding and critically assessing research design and quantitative results.
Effective Citation
Learning Outcome
In completing the course paper, students will cite sources properly.
Participation in Political Processes
Learning Outcome
Because a major theme of the course is the political psychology of political participation, students will better understand why individuals do (or do not) participate in politics. Students will gain a greater appreciation for the role of political participation in contemporary democracy.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will critically evaluate, assess, and discuss both empirical results of classic and contemporary work in political psychology and their implications for our understanding of democracy.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Students will practice the skills of attentive reading, thoughtful questioning, meaningful group discussion, and compelling writing.
Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy
Learning Outcome
Demonstrate a familiarity with each of the four major subfields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy.
Political Process, Theory, and Thought
Learning Outcome
Possess a factual and theoretical knowledge of countries, political processes, political theories, and political thought.
Effective Research and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Use appropriate methods of analysis and research, including qualitative and quantitative methods, historical comparison, and textual interpretation to answer political questions.
Effective and Professional Writing
Learning Outcome
Write professional grade research papers on political science questions.
Critical Thinking and Analysis
Learning Outcome
Think critically, analytically, and synthetically.
Participation in Political Processes
Learning Outcome
Participate effectively in political processes by having an appropriate knowledge of international and national politics and political thought.