AM ST 490

Senior Capstone

International and Area Studies Kennedy Center for International Studies

Course Description

In-depth review of American Studies theories, methods, and criticism; content varies; requires original research and substantial writing of paper intended for publication.

When Taught

Fall and Winter









Other Prerequisites

Senior status or program coordinator's consent


Engage Disciplinarily and Interdisciplinarily

Learning Outcome

Through class discussions and writing activities, students will be able to demonstrate a fluency in the disciplinary trends of American Studies, an understanding of the field's inherent interdisciplinarity, and an ability to draw upon knowledge that they have acquired in courses taken in other disciplines.


Analyze Rigorously

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to demonstrate high proficiency in reading critically and analyzing primary historical, secondary historical, theoretical, and critical texts. Students will exhibit this high proficiency through engaging in the methods central to the field of American Studies: textual analysis, archive building, institutional contextualization, and theorizing.


Communicate Persuasively

Learning Outcome

Capstone participants will be able to formulate both their oral and written arguments coherently, support them clearly, and communicate them effectively to their audiences using correct conventions of language, style, and the best practices of the discipline.


Work Independently

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to develop their own research project (formulate a sophisticated research question, independently conduct primary and secondary research, and employ the writing skills they have developed over the course of the major) in order to write an original 15–20 page research paper in the last third of the course.


Engage Disciplinarily and Interdisciplinarily

Learning Outcome

Through class discussions and writing activities, students will be able to demonstrate a fluency in the disciplinary trends of American Studies, an understanding of the field’s inherent interdisciplinarity, and an ability to draw upon knowledge that they have acquired in courses taken in other disciplines.


Communicate Persuasively

Learning Outcome

Capstone participants will be able to formulate both their oral and written arguments coherently, support them clearly, and communicate them effectively to their audiences using correct conventions of language, style, and the best practices of the discipline.


Analyze Rigorously

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to demonstrate high proficiency in reading critically and analyzing primary historical, secondary historical, theoretical, and critical texts. Students will exhibit this high proficiency through engaging in the methods central to the field of American Studies: textual analysis, archive building, institutional contextualization, and theorizing.


Work Independently

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to develop their own research project (formulate a sophisticated research question, independently conduct primary and secondary research, and employ the writing skills they have developed over the course of the major) in order to write an original 15–20 page research paper in the last third of the course.