EL ED 213

Instructional Design and Assessment for all Learners

Teacher Education David O. McKay School of Education

Course Description

Curriculum design and assessment theory, strategies, and tools for the K-6 classroom. Fundamental concepts in using assessments to evaluate and support language and literacy development for English learners. Use of formal and informal assessment practices to support the learning of all students.

When Taught

Fall and Winter









Other Prerequisites

Major status.


Understand and apply the science of assessment in support of

Learning Outcome

Teacher candidates will be able to describe, define and apply the principles and science of assessment to determine instructional needs, design and deliver effective instruction and communicate assessment results to appropriate audiences in a multi-tiered system of support.


Multi-tiered system of instructional support

Learning Outcome

Teacher candidates will be able to define, design and employ evidenced-based instructional practices within a multi-tiered system of support.


Define and apply curriculum standards

Learning Outcome

Teacher candidates will be able to describe their role and responsibility regarding curriculum standards and ensure that curriculum addresses the needs of diverse students.


Use assessment data to define and address student needs

Learning Outcome

Teacher candidates will be able to synthesize and employ assessment evidence to inform instructional decision-making, interpret data to evaluate instruction, and apply a problem-solving process to address students' cognitive, social-emotional and linguistic learning needs within a multi-tiered system of support.


Instructional Design and Assessment for All Learners

Learning Outcome

Teacher candidates will be able to describe, define and apply the principles and science of assessment to determine instructional needs, design and deliver effective instruction and communicate assessment results to appropriate audiences in a multi-tiered system of support. Teacher candidates will be able to describe their role and responsibility regarding curriculum standards and ensure that curriculum addresses the needs of diverse students. Teacher candidates will be able to synthesize and employ assessment evidence to inform instructional decision-making, interpret data to evaluate instruction, and apply a problem-solving process to address students' cognitive, social-emotional and linguistic learning needs within a multi-tiered system of support. Teacher candidates will be able to define, design and employ evidenced-based instructional practices within a multi-tiered system of support.