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Secondary Student Teaching in Mathematics
Mathematics Education
College of Computational, Mathematical, & Physical Sciences
Course Description
Capstone, field-based, semester-long experience in teaching mathematics to secondary students; demonstrating proficiency in all program standards. Seminar required.
When Taught
Fall and Winter
Other Prerequisites
Completion of all course work or departmental approval. FBI fingerprint and background clearance.
Student Teaching
Learning Outcome
Students understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline of mathematics as well as core representations, canonical examples, and alternative algorithms germane to teaching secondary school mathematics.
Understanding of Mathematics Learners
Students understand that adolescents develop mathematical knowledge by building on prior knowledge and experience; that adolescents differ cognitively, linguistically, socially, emotionally, and physically; and that adolescents learn best when given regular opportunities to reason about and make sense of mathematics in an environment of high expectations and strong support.
Instructional Design for Mathematics Learning
Students understand how to design learning environments and mathematical experiences that engage all adolescents in the exploration and development of mathematical ideas, as well as how to effectively foster these environments and orchestrate these experiences by promoting conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and authentic mathematical practices.
Assessment of Mathematics Learning
Students understand how to design and use formative and summative assessments that monitor the learner's progress, inform instructional decisions, and engage adolescents in assessing their own mathematical learning.
Students demonstrate their professionalism through maintaining appropriate relationships and behavior in the school setting, and by seeking opportunities to improve practice and advance the profession through reflecting on practice, soliciting and incorporating feedback, and contributing to professional, school, and community organizations.
Spiritual StewardshipStudents seek integrity between their personal and professional lives consistent with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ by recognizing all learners as children of God and striving to nurture their divine potential; applying gospel-centered principles of teaching and learning to family relationships, gospel service, and involvement in the community; and serving as examples of a Christ-centered life within their spheres of influence.