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Unexpected Connections: Physical Science and Culture
Undergraduate Education
Undergraduate Education
Course Description
The class, team-taught by professors from different disciplines, explores unities between physical science and culture. Through reading, writing, and conversation, students gain understanding and skills to engage real-life questions. Topics are announced in the class schedule. Honors only.
When Taught
Fall and Winter
Interdisciplinary Approach
Learning Outcome
Recognize and understand the assumptions, methodologies and practices of two distinct disciplines.
Making Connections
Learning Outcome
Apply different disciplinary perspectives to examine issues, problems, and questions in order to discover connections.
Communication Skills
Learning Outcome
Clearly express concepts, ideas and conclusions through written, visual, oral, or other forms of communication.
GE Global & Cultural Awareness Outcomes
Learning Outcome
Students will: 1. Acquire informed awareness of a global culture outside their own, with the interplay of cultures, languages, and/or nations at an international level. 2. Experience thoughtful reflection on the above, as demonstrated in a structured, guided manner under the direction of a faculty member. Evidence of reflection implies written or spoken analysis that will include a consideration of the student's own responses to the culture or global issue, often involving comparison, and will demonstrate informed awareness. 3. Develop greater empathy and charity, and will begin to gain a global perspective by learning to see themselves from another's point of view.
GE Physical Science Outcomes
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic scientific principles which undergird the scientific process, including the strengths and weaknesses of this process. 2. Appreciate the excitement of discovery that has accompanied important scientific developments. 3. Demonstrate how scientific methodology can be used to analyze real-world science-related problems. 4. Evaluate scientific data and claims in order to make rational decisions on public-policy science issues that affect their community. 5. Express their thoughts (in oral, graphical, and written formats) on scientific topics clearly, including appropriate use of basic scientific vocabulary and effective interpretation of quantitative data. 6. Reflect rationally upon the interface between science and religion.