The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory

Psychology College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences

Course Description

Advanced topics in current and historical memory research.

When Taught

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Other Prerequisites

Psych 381 or Psych 375 or Neuro 380 or equivalent.


Understanding of memory processes

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to gain an understanding of different memory systems in the brain and how they interact to give rise to our experience of memory. Measurement: Students will demonstrate this understanding on quizzes and on exams. Link to Program Outcomes: A. Knowledge of the Discipline.


Research methods in cognitive neuroscience

Learning Outcome

Students will dbe able to evelop an understanding of how we know what we know about learning and memory, i.e., research methods in cognitive neuroscience and the scientific method. Measurement: Students will demonstrate this understanding through in-class discussion, on quizzes/exams, and through coming to class ready to learn. Being ready to learn includes completing the assigned readings and assessments, participating in lecture and discussion, and completing outside assignments. Link to Program Outcomes: A. Knowledge of the Discipline


Critical reflection

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to critically reflect on the content of psychology as well as on disciplinary values in light of their knowledge of and commitment to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and to sustain personal values that are true to the gospel while maintaining their serious study of psychology and neuroscience. Measurement: Multiple choice exams, quizzes. Link to Program Outcomes: A. Knowledge of the Discipline.