ART 240

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Print and Web Design for Studio Artists

Art College of Fine Arts and Communications

Course Description

Introduction to web and print design for art majors. Students will apply skills and concepts gained in the first-year Core program to design problems. This course builds on art students' studio art training and provides a broad introduction to the methods, concepts, and tools of web and print design that students can apply in studio art making, in promoting their work and careers, and in professional contexts.

When Taught

Contact Department









Other Prerequisites

Acceptance to an art program, either Art BA, Art Ed BA, or Art BFA.


Design Fundamentals and Processes

Learning Outcome

Students will implement the steps that guide a designer to effective solutions, will apply compositional skills to design problems, and will learn and apply fundamentals of 2D design such as grid systems and the basics of typography.


Technical Proficiency

Learning Outcome

Students will become proficient in the technical fundamentals of print and web design and production.


Professional Practices

Learning Outcome

Students will employ professional practices in supporting their art by developing materials such as a portfolio website and will become aware of professional opportunities for studio artstis to deploy their art skills in commercial contexts.