ME EN 536
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Autonomous Aircraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Mechanical Engineering
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering
Course Description
Dynamics of fixed-wing aircraft flight, stability, and control derivatives, longitudinal and lateral control design; state-space control strategies for aircraft; and autonomous aircraft applications.
When Taught
Winter Odd Years
Aircraft Dynamics and Motion Simulation
Learning Outcome
An understanding of aircraft dynamics including coordinate frames, aircraft state variables, dynamics, and aerodynamics. The ability to simulate aircraft motion using nonlinear moderate-fidelity models and simplified linear models.
Aircraft Control Techniques and Autopilots
Learning Outcome
An understanding of common aircraft control techniques, such as successive loop closure, and how they apply to the design of longitudinal and lateral-directional autopilots.
Aircraft Dynamics and Motion Simulation
Learning Outcome
An understanding of aircraft dynamics including coordinate frames, aircraft state variables, dynamics, and aerodynamics. The ability to simulate aircraft motion using nonlinear moderate-fidelity models and simplified linear models.
State Estimators
Learning Outcome
The ability to design and implement estimators, including Kalman filters, to estimate aircraft states.
Aircraft Control Techniques and Autopilots
Learning Outcome
An understanding of common aircraft control techniques, such as successive loop closure, and how they apply to the design of longitudinal and lateral-directional autopilots.
State Estimators
Learning Outcome
The ability to design and implement estimators, including Kalman filters, to estimate aircraft states.
Path Planning and Path Following Algorithms
Learning Outcome
An understanding of path planning and path following algorithms suitable for unmanned aircraft and the ability to implement them in an aircraft simulation.
Path Planning and Path Following Algorithms
Learning Outcome
An understanding of path planning and path following algorithms suitable for unmanned aircraft and the ability to implement them in an aircraft simulation.