Philosophy (BA)
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
For each R course, you may only take one class on any particular figure or topic. For instance, if you wish to take multiple classes of Phil 320R: Studies in Ancient Philosophy, you may only take Plato once, but you may then take Aristotle or Stoicism or any of the other figures or topics listed under Phil 320R.
Requirement 1 —Complete 7 Courses
course - History of Philosophy 1 3.0
course - History of Philosophy 2 3.0
course - Philosophy Orientation 1.0
course - Intro to Logic/Crit Thinking 3.0
course - Intro to Theoretical Phil 3.0
course - Philosophical Writing 3.0
course - Intermediate Formal Logic 3.0
Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 5 Courses
course - Intro to Applied Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Introduction to Ethics 3.0
course - Intro to the Philosophy of Art 3.0
course - Intro Philosophy of Religion 3.0
course - Social & Political Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 3 —Complete 1 Course
course - Studies in Ancient Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 4 —Complete 1 Course
course - Studies in Modern Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 5 —Complete 1 of 7 Courses
Complete one of the following Historical Period courses (excluding the two specific registrations used to complete the above requirements):
course - History of Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Ancient Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Medieval Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Modern Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Contemporary Phil - You may take once 3.0
course - Non-Western Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Women and Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 6 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
course - Topics in Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Philosophy of Art - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 7 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses
course - Philosophy of Language 3.0
course - Metaphysics 3.0
course - Epistemology 3.0
course - Philosophy of Mind 3.0
Requirement 8 —Complete 6 hours
Note: No more than 3 hours of Phil 249R will be allowed. Students must have a total of 27 credit hours of upper-division course work (300-level or above) in the major. Note: Phil 110 may count toward this requirement only if taken before the philosophy major was declared.
course - Intro to Applied Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Introduction to Ethics 3.0
course - Intro to the Philosophy of Art 3.0
course - Intro Philosophy of Religion 3.0
course - Social & Political Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Philosophical Lecture Series - - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 1.0
course - History of Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Ancient Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Medieval Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Modern Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Contemporary Phil - You may take once 3.0
course - Non-Western Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Women and Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Advanced Logic and Metalogic 3.0
course - Topics in Ethics - You may take once 3.0
course - Philosophy of Art - You may take once 3.0
course - Philosophy of Religion 3.0
course - Philosophy of Law 3.0
course - Philosophy of Language 3.0
course - Metaphysics 3.0
course - Epistemology 3.0
course - History&Philosophy of Science - You may take once 3.0
course - Philosophy of Mind 3.0
course - Advanced Topics in Philosophy - You may take once 3.0
course - Directed Readings - You may take once 1.0v
course - Graduate Seminar - You may take once 0.5v
Requirement 9 —Complete 3 hours
course - Internship - You may take up to 9.0 credit hours 3.0
Requirement 10 —Complete 1 Course
course - Senior Seminar 1.0