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Logic (Minor)

Philosophy Undergrad Minor MIN

Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max



Logic and Metalogic

Learning Outcome

1. Construct symbolize and evaluate proofs in syllogistic logic truth-functional logic first-order (quantificational) logic set-theory and Peano arithmetic. 2. Understand the development of logic including metalogical results. Assessed 2015

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Fundamentals of Mathematics 3.0

course - Intro to Logic/Crit Thinking 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Intermediate Formal Logic 3.0

course - Advanced Logic and Metalogic 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 4 Courses

course - Theory of Analysis 1 3.0

course - Abstract Algebra 1 3.0

course - Philosophy of Language 3.0

course - Metaphysics 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 3 hours

course - Introduction to Philosophy 3.0

course - History of Philosophy 1 3.0

course - History of Philosophy 2 3.0

course - Intro to Logic/Crit Thinking 3.0

course - Science & Civilization 1 3.0

course - Science & Civilization 2 3.0

course - Intro to Applied Ethics - You may take once 3.0

course - Introduction to Ethics 3.0

course - Intro to the Philosophy of Art 3.0

course - Intro Philosophy of Religion 3.0

course - Social & Political Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Philosophical Lecture Series - You may take once 1.0

course - Philosophical Writing 3.0

course - Intermediate Formal Logic 3.0

course - History of Ethics - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Ancient Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Medieval Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Modern Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Contemporary Phil - You may take once 3.0

course - Non-Western Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Women and Philosophy - You may take once 3.0

course - Internship - You may take once 3.0

course - Advanced Logic and Metalogic 3.0

course - Topics in Ethics - You may take once 3.0

course - Philosophy of Art - You may take once 3.0

course - Philosophy of Religion 3.0

course - Philosophy of Law 3.0

course - Philosophy of Language 3.0

course - Metaphysics 3.0

course - Epistemology 3.0

course - History&Philosophy of Science - You may take once 3.0

course - Philosophy of Mind 3.0

course - Directed Readings - You may take once 1.0v

course - Graduate Seminar - You may take once 0.5v

No more than 6 hours may double-count for the philosophy major and the logic minor.