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French (BA)

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Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max


Major Academic Plan


Language Competence

Learning Outcome

Graduates in French demonstrate advanced proficiency in French language skills. For speaking and writing advanced corresponds to officially designated ACTFL guidelines and ratings.


Research Skills

Learning Outcome

Analyze the literature, language, and cultures of the French-speaking world, drawing upon an ability to evaluate and synthesize relevant primary and critical sources.


Critical Thinking

Learning Outcome

Students critically evaluate literary, cultural, and linguistic problems from the French-speaking world and discuss them in clear written and oral expression.


Portable Competencies

Learning Outcome

Graduates in French are able to synthesize and interpret information, communicate effectively, and navigate cultural difference. They can articulate the value of their humanities degree and the relationship between their academic experience and personal and professional goals.This results from coursework but also from experiential learning such as study abroad and internships.

Program Requirements

The French and Italian Department requires a minimum of 21 major hours to be taken in residence at BYU for this degree program. These hours may also count toward BYU's 30-hour residency requirement for graduation.

The French BA starts with FREN 321. As needed, students may take some or all of the following: FREN 101, 102, 201, 202. Students with prior experience in French can contact the French undergraduate adviser to select the appropriate beginning course. Native speakers and returned missionaries typically enroll in FREN 321; FREN 201 or 202 may be appropriate for those with less language experience.

We recommend students participate in significant French-language experiential learning during their major. This could take the form of a mission, Study Abroad program, internships, and/or a semester in the Language Immersion Student Residence (or LISR).

Requirement 1 —Complete 4 Courses

course - Advanced French Part 1 3.0

course - Advanced French Part 2 3.0

course - Intro to French Linguistics 3.0

course - Intro to Literary Analysis 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 2 of 3 Courses

course - French Civilization to 1715 3.0

course - French Civilization 1715-Pres 3.0

course - Contemp. France, Francophone 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 21 hours

Note: No more than 9 credits may come from any combination of the following: FREN 399R, FREN 411R, FREN 445, FREN 490R, and MSB 596R.

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

course - Convers at Superior Level 3.0

course - French Translation 3.0

course - History of French 3.0

course- Studies in French Linguistics - You may take 3 times 3.0

course - Advanced Francophone Culture 3.0

course - Studies in Period, Mvmt & Theme - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Studies in Genre - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Studies in Author - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Studies in Literary Theory - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Francophone Studies - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Studies in French Culture - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Women in French Literature - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Individual Study - You may take once 1.0v

course - Business French - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 2 Courses

course - Senior Capstone 0.5

course - Humanities & Professional Life 1.0

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

Note: To determine language proficiency, students in FREN 495 will take the official ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), and adaptive reading and listening comprehension tests. It is expected, though not required, that graduating French majors achieve ratings of Advanced Low or higher for each ACTFL evaluation.