English (BA)
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
Students are strongly encouraged to take a freshman college-level writing course (WRTG 150), regardless of their AP test scores.
Requirement 1 —Complete 3 Courses
Note: Students must complete ENGL 203 before taking ENGL 303 and must complete ENGL 303 before taking most 300- and 400-level courses.
ENGL 203 - Ways of Reading 3.0
ENGL 302 - Writing with Style 3.0
ENGL 303 - Writing Literary Criticism 3.0
Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 2 Options
Option 2.1 —Complete 3 Courses
ENGL 291 - British Literary History 1 3.0
ENGL 292 - British Literary History 2 3.0
ENGL 293 - American Literary History 3.0
Option 2.2 —Complete 2 Courses
Note: Students must complete ENGL 203 before or concurrently with the literary history requirement: ENGL 291-294. Students must complete the literary history course in a period before taking any 300-level courses in that period as follows: ENGL 291 for ENGL 331R, 369R, 386R ENGL 292 for ENGL 332R, 370R, 387R ENGL 293 for ENGL 331R, 332R, 369R, 370R, 388R, 389R
ENGL 291 - British Literary History 1 3.0
ENGL 294 - Transatlantic Literary History 6.0
Requirement 3 —Complete 2 Requirements
Requirement 3.1 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses
ENGL 369R - Transnational Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 386R - British Literature before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 388R - American Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 3.2 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses
ENGL 370R - Transnational Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 387R - British Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 389R - American Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 4 Options
Complete 1 Track Option
Option 4.1 —Complete 5 Courses
Literary Studies Track
ENGL 337R - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 357R - Literature, Ethics, and Values - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 384R - Author Studies - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 450R - Studies in Lit Crit and Theory - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 495 - Literary Studies Sr Capstone 3.0
Option 4.2 —Complete 5 Requirements
Literary Media and Cultures Track
Requirement 4.2.1 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses
ENGL 322 - Rhetorical Foundations 3.0
ENGL 340 - Book and Publishing History 3.0
ENGL 345 - Literature & Film 3.0
ENGL 391 - Introduction to Folklore 3.0
Requirement 4.2.2 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
ENGL 331R - Media and Pop Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 356 - Myth, Legend, & Folktale 3.0
Requirement 4.2.3 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
ENGL 332R - Media and Pop Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 392 - American Folklore 3.0
Requirement 4.2.4 —Complete 1 of 5 Courses
ENGL 325 - Visual Communication 3.0
ENGL 326 - Digital Communication 3.0
ENGL 327R - Studies in Rhetoric - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 335 - Professional Speaking 3.0
ENGL 344R - Digital and Visual Literacies - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 4.2.5 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
ENGL 493 - Lit Med & Cultures Sr Capstone 3.0
Option 4.3 —Complete 3 Requirements
Professional Writing and Communication Track
Requirement 4.3.1 —Complete 2 Courses
ENGL 322 - Rhetorical Foundations 3.0
ENGL 323 - Professional Writing 3.0
Requirement 4.3.2 —Complete 2 of 5 Courses
ENGL 325 - Visual Communication 3.0
ENGL 326 - Digital Communication 3.0
ENGL 327R - Studies in Rhetoric - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 328R - Studies in Composing - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 335 - Professional Speaking 3.0
Requirement 4.3.3 —Complete 1 Course
ENGL 494 - Prof Wrtg and Comm Sr Capstone 3.0
Option 4.4 —Complete 4 Requirements
Creative Writing Track
Requirement 4.4.1 —Complete 1 Course
ENGL 218 - Creative Writing 3.0
Requirement 4.4.2 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
ENGL 337R - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 420 - Young Adult Literature 3.0
Requirement 4.4.3 —Complete 2 of 4 Courses
ENGL 317R - Writing Creative Nonfiction - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 318R - Writing Fiction - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 319R - Writing Poetry - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 320R - Writing for Child & Adolescent - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 4.4.4 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses
ENGL 417 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Nonfiction 3.0
ENGL 418 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Fiction 3.0
ENGL 419 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Poetry 3.0
Requirement 5 —Complete 3 hours
Complete one English+ course or an equivalent course. Contact the department internship coordinator for more information. Note: If ENGL 399R is taken, 3 credit hours are required.
ENGL 394R - Applied English - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 399R - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v
Requirement 6 —Complete 9 hours
Complete 9 elective hours from any of the following courses. Double counting of courses used to fill previous requirements is not allowed.
Option 6.1 —Complete at least 3 hours up to 9 hours
ENGL 218 - Creative Writing 3.0
ENGL 300R - Brit Liter in Cultural Setting - You may take once 0.5v
ENGL 306 - Travel Writing 3.0
ENGL 317R - Writing Creative Nonfiction - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 318R - Writing Fiction - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 319R - Writing Poetry - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 320R - Writing for Child & Adolescent - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 321R - English Dept Reading Series - You may take once 1.0
ENGL 322 - Rhetorical Foundations 3.0
ENGL 323 - Professional Writing 3.0
ENGL 325 - Visual Communication 3.0
ENGL 326 - Digital Communication 3.0
ENGL 327R - Studies in Rhetoric - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 328R - Studies in Composing - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 331R - Media and Pop Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 332R - Media and Pop Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 335 - Professional Speaking 3.0
ENGL 337R - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 338 - Literary Studies of the Bible 3.0
ENGL 340 - Book and Publishing History 3.0
ENGL 344R - Digital and Visual Literacies - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 345 - Literature & Film 3.0
ENGL 355 - Classics & the Engl Tradition 3.0
ENGL 356 - Myth, Legend, & Folktale 3.0
ENGL 357R - Literature, Ethics, and Values - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 368 - Lit of the Latter-day Saints 3.0
ENGL 369R - Transnational Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 370R - Transnational Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 384R - Author Studies - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 386R - British Literature before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 387R - British Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 388R - American Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 389R - American Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 391 - Introduction to Folklore 3.0
ENGL 392 - American Folklore 3.0
ENGL 395R - Studies in Literature - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 396R - Studies in Women's Lit - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 397R - World Literatures in English - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 417 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Nonfiction 3.0
ENGL 418 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Fiction 3.0
ENGL 419 - Creative Wrtg Cap: Poetry 3.0
ENGL 420 - Young Adult Literature 3.0
ENGL 450R - Studies in Lit Crit and Theory - You may take once 3.0
ENGL 480R - Directed Research in English - You may take once 1.0v
ENGL 490R - Individual Readings in English - You may take once 0.5v
ENGL 493 - Lit Med & Cultures Sr Capstone 3.0 (for non-track students)
ENGL 494 - Prof Wrtg and Comm Sr Capstone 3.0
ENGL 495 - Literary Studies Sr Capstone 3.0
Option 6.2 —Complete up to 3 hours
WRTG 311 - Writing abt Art & Humanities 3.0
WRTG 312 - Persuasive Writing 3.0
WRTG 313 - Adv Wrtg for Educators 3.0
WRTG 315 - Writing in the Social Sciences 3.0
WRTG 316 - Technical Communication 3.0
Option 6.3 —Complete up to 3 hours
ELING 322 - Modern American Usage 3.0
ELING 324 - Hist of the English Language 3.0
ELING 325 - Grammar of English 3.0
ELING 350 - Basic Editing Skills 3.0
ELING 410R - Genre & Substantive Editing - You may take once 3.0
ELING 430R - Editing for Publication - You may take once 3.0
ELING 525 - Old English 1 3.0
ELING 526 - Middle English 3.0