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Latin American Studies Program

Latin American Studies Program

IAS Latin American Studies Program

Department Information: 

237 HRCB



Advisement Center: 

273 HRCB




The Discipline

The Latin American Studies (LAS) program provides an interdisciplinary degree focused on the languages, history, politics, and social conditions of Latin America. Students choose courses from a variety of BYU academic departments, including Spanish and Portuguese, history, political science, geography, and sociology, among others. In that process, students strengthen their skills in perceptive reading, analytical thinking, and clear and forceful writing. Students thus deepen their knowledge of Latin America, and gain a greater appreciation of how understanding a region, and contributing to solving its problems, can benefit from an interdisciplinary approach.

Students are invited to consult with their faculty advisor regarding selection of classes.

Career Opportunities

Excellent career opportunities exist for those who prepare well in Latin American Studies. The degree offers a broad, general background in the liberal arts, and graduates are well prepared for careers in government, private industry, nonprofit organizations, some domestic and foreign teaching opportunities, the Peace Corps, the military, and other professions in which an understanding and appreciation of Latin America are required. Many graduates go into law, medicine, business, journalism, editing, advertising, etc. Others have had success in government, such as working for the State Department, immigration, the FBI, and other agencies.

Students are encouraged to pursue internships and other opportunities that will enhance their learning as well as their preparation for future employment. Because many students test out of lower-level language requirements in the LAS major, students have time in their course schedules to strengthen their resumes further by adding a strong minor, or even a double major. The combination of a Latin American Studies degree with skills from another discipline make the student attractive to employers desiring specific job skills as well as cultural understanding and appreciation.

General Information

Foreign Experience. Latin American Studies students are strongly encouraged to participate in internships and international study programs in Latin American locations. These programs include Study Abroad, international internships, international field studies, and/or direct enrollment with one of our partner schools. See,index.php for more information.