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Latin American Studies (BA)

Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max


Major Academic Plan


Factual Knowledge

Learning Outcome

The student will understand and interpret foundational knowledge relating to historical socio-cultural geographic and economic conditions in Latin America as well as how Latin America has interacted with world powers.


Social Science Research and Writing Methodology

Learning Outcome

Our LAS students will understand and learn basic methodologies of social science research and writing as well as humantities/language based research. This includes modern library skills as well as humanities/language based research. Students will demonstrate their understanding by writing papers in Spanish and/or Portuguese as well as producing a major capstone project of 20 plus pages.


Oral Presentation of Critically Analyzed Ideas

Learning Outcome

Latin American Studies students will be able to critically analyze ideas evidence and arguments relating to a topic or a significant historical event or process in Latin America and make a significant oral presentation demonstrating recent knowledge from books newspapers and journals many of which are written in target languages.


Language Proficiency

Learning Outcome

LAS students will demonstrate written and verbal fluency in Spanish or Portuguese.

Program Requirements

Courses cannot be double counted between the different requirements sections in the major.

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 Course

course - Intro Latin American Studies 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Prerequisite courses (may be waived if have equivalent experience):

Option 2.1 —Complete 4 Courses

course - First-Year Portuguese 4.0

course - First-Year Portuguese 4.0

course - Third-Semester Portuguese 4.0

course - Port Reading & Comprehension 4.0

Option 2.2 —Complete 6 Courses

course - Foundational Spanish 1 4.0

course - Foundational Spanish 2 4.0

course - University Spanish 1 4.0

course - University Spanish 2 4.0

course - University Spanish 3 4.0

course - Intensive Span Skills Develop 4.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 3.1 —Complete 2 Courses

course - 3rd-Yr Port Read, Gram, & Cult 3.0

course - Cultures of Brazil 3.0

Option 3.2 —Complete 2 Courses

course - 3rd-Yr Span Read, Gram, & Cult 3.0

course - Cultures of Spanish America 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 3 of 4 Options

Social Science courses:

Option 4.1 —Complete 1 Course

course - Middle & South America 3.0

Option 4.2 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Con & Col Lat Amer 3.0

course - Modern Latin Amer 3.0

Option 4.3 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Latin American Politics 3.0

course - Intrnl Relations of Latin Amer 3.0

Option 4.4 —Complete 1 Course

course - World Populations 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 2 of 10 Courses

Humanities courses:

course - Humanities of Latin America 3.0

course - Intro to Port & Brazilian Lit 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Brazil 3.0

course - Luso-Braz Theat Pr - You may take once 3.0

course - Spec Topics Cultures Brazil - You may take once 3.0

course - Intro to Hispanic Literature 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Span America 3.0

course - Border Spanish 3.0

course - U.S. Latinx Literature 3.0

course - Spec Topics Culture Span Amer - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 6 —Complete 1 Requirement

Complete 3.0 hours of an internship course, a service learning course, or Study Abroad program. Internship students (field study, or service learning) will register for IAS 399R; Study Abroad programs shall be in a Latin American venue, either Portuguese speaking or Spanish speaking.

Requirement 6.1 —Complete 3 hours

course - Topics in IAS - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

LT AM 302 - Lat Am Proj - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 2.0

course - Contemporary Culture - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Contemporary Culture - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

Requirement 7 —Complete 6 hours

Elective courses (courses taken above will not double count):

course - Arch Mesoamerica - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

BUS M 596R - Business Spanish - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

BUS M 596R - Business Portuguese - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Con & Col Lat Amer - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Modern Latin Amer - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - History of Mexico 3.0

course - Romance Languages Paleography 3.0

course - History of Argentina - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Brazil - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Indian in Latin Am - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Gender & History in Latin Amer 3.0

course - Inter-American Relations - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spanish Frontier in North Amer - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Latinos in the United States - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Business Portuguese - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Business Spanish - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Topics in Intl Relations - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Intrnl Relations of Latin Amer - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Survey Luzo-Brazilian Ling 3.0

course - Phonetics & Pronunciation 3.0

course - Intro to Port & Brazilian Lit - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Brazil - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Cultures of Brazil - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Contemporary Culture - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Luso-Brazilian Cinema 3.0

course - Luso-Braz Theat Pr - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Machado de Assis - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - 20th-Century Brazilian Lit - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spec Topics Cultures Brazil - You may take once 3.0

course - Special Topics in Brazil Lit - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Adv Portuguese Grammar - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Romance Philology - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Hist of Portuguese Lang - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Special Topics in Port Ling - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 1.0v

course - World Populations - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Survey of Hispanic Linguistics 3.0

course - Span Phonetics & Pronunciation 3.0

course - Intro to Hispanic Literature - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Cultures of Spanish America - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Contemporary Culture - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Border Spanish - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Span & Engl Struct - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Hispanic Cinema - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Early Spanish-American Lit - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - U.S. Latinx Literature - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - The Spanish-American Novel - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spanish-American Poetry - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spanish-American Drama - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spec Topics Culture Span Amer - You may take once 3.0

course - Hispanic-American Short Story - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spec Topics in Span-Am Lit - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Problems in Spanish Grammar - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Romance Philology - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - History of Spanish Language - You may take up to 6.0 credit hours 3.0

course - Spec Topics Span Linguistics - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 8 —Complete 1 Course

course - Senior Seminar 3.0

Note: All Spanish and Portuguese courses may double count toward a minor or second major in Spanish or Portuguese. Please see the Department of Spanish and Portuguese for more information.