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Comparative Literature (BA)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Foreign Language Proficiency

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate the ability to analyze a literary text in at least one language in addition to English.


Literary Analysis and Writing

Learning Outcome

Use tools and methods of literary analysis central to the discipline of Comparative Literature to read analyze and interpret literary texts closely and critically and in the original language and to communicate that analysis through clear and persuasive writing.


Literary History and Traditions

Learning Outcome

Articulate a sound understanding of the broad outlines of western literary history including the place of Classical Greek and Roman literature within its development and demonstrate familiarity with the Asian tradition; know the literary traditions of two languages well enough to successfully complete course work and a reading list chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser.


Researching Problems in Literary Studies

Learning Outcome

Identify and research a problem in literary study by gaining an understanding of the state of knowledge surrounding the issue analyzing the primary and secondary sources relevant to it and formulating and following a method appropriate to the problem.

Program Requirements

It is strongly recommended that StDev 317 be taken at the end of the sophomore year or the beginning of the junior year. Because liberal arts degrees provide preparation in a variety of useful fields rather than a single career track, this course is recommended to help liberal arts students focus on specific educational and occupational goals and to identify the career options or educational opportunities available to them. The course will introduce them to the resources needed for accessing information about graduate schools, internships, careers, and career development. Students will learn basic employment strategies, including the steps necessary for obtaining employment related to their own specialty.

Acquire a thorough knowledge of two language traditions relevant to individual program of study (one of these may be English for students who emphasize the Anglo-American literary tradition) (approximately 16-32 hours). Competence will normally be demonstrated in course work, but an examination may be required. If planning advanced work in comparative literature, students should gain reading knowledge of both an additional modern language and a classical language.

Complete a reading list (determined in consultation with a faculty advisor) and submit a writing portfolio. During the final semester enroll in CmLit 497 to complete a written examination on the reading list and to have the portfolio reviewed. CmLit 201 & 202, or 211 & 212, are strongly recommended, in part because the reading list core consists of texts treated in these courses. Students who do not complete a literature-based civilization sequence are at a disadvantage in working systematically through the list.

Course configuration must be approved by department advisor.

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 Course

course - Humanities & Professional Life 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 1 Requirement

Requirement 2.1 —Complete 3 Courses

course - Intro Comp Lit 3.0

course - Asian Lit Traditns 3.0

course - Reading List Exam 1.0

Note: CmLit 310 and a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language are prerequisite to all upper-division comparative literature courses. In addition, completion of CmLit 342 and three comparative literature 400-level seminars is prerequisite to 497.

IHum 311: Advanced Writing in Comparative Arts and Humanities is recommended to complete the Advanced Written and Oral Communication GE requirement.

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 Requirement

Requirement 3.1 —Complete 5 Courses

course - Period Studies - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Genre Studies - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Theme Studies - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Literary Relations - You may take 5 times 3.0

course - Literary Theory - You may take 5 times 3.0

Note: While variety is recommended, students may take more than one section of the same "R" suffix courses (e.g., two 420Rs, etc.).

Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 4.1 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Complete an upper-division literature course in Greek or Latin:

course - Classical Greek Poetry 3.0

course - Classical Greek Prose 3.0

course - Classical Latin Poetry 3.0

course - Classical Latin Prose 3.0

Option 4.2 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Intro to Greek & Roman Lit 3.0

course - Greek&Roman Mythology 3.0

course - Clscs & Engl Trad 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 12 hours

The following courses deal with texts in the original language. These courses must be in addition to previous requirements. Although English courses may be taken, courses must be taken in at least one other language as well.

Option 5.1 —Complete at least 3 hours up to 12 hours

course - Modern Arabic Literature - You may take once 2.0

course - Classical Arabic Texts - You may take once 2.0

course - Adv Study Arab - You may take once 0.5v

course - Classical & Literary Chinese 3.0

course - Classical & Literary Chinese 3.0

course - Modern Chinese Literature 3.0

course - Contemporary Chinese Liter 3.0

course - Chinese Poetry - You may take once 3.0

course - Junior Seminar 3.0

course - Danish Literature 3.0

course - Intro to Dutch Literature 3.0

course - Finnish Literature 3.0

course - Studies in Period,Mvmt & Theme - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Genre - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Author - You may take once 3.0

course - Studies in Literary Theory - You may take once 3.0

course - Francophone Studies - You may take once 3.0

course - Topics in German Literature - You may take once 3.0

GERM 441R - Studies in Literary Genres - You may take once 1.0v

GERM 442R - Major German Authors - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 1.0v

GERM 443R - Studies in Literary Theory - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 1.0v

course - Professional Development Sem - You may take once 3.0

course - Greek NT & Christian Texts - You may take once 3.0

course - Herodotus 3.0

course - Homer, the Odyssey 3.0

course - Thucydides 3.0

course - Sophocles & Euripides 3.0

course - Greek Lyric Poetry 3.0

course - Plato 3.0

course - Attic Orators 3.0

course - Topcs Greek Liter - You may take once 0.5v

course - 3rd-yr Biblical Hebrew 1 4.0

HEB 431 - Rdngs in Hebrew Scriptures 2 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 4.0

course - Ancient Hebrew Texts - You may take once 2.0

course - Mishnah 2.0

course - Old Icelandic Lang &Literature 3.0

ITAL 441 - Late Middle Ages & Renais Lit - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ITAL 442 - Ital Lit in the Age of Reform - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ITAL 443 - Romantic Period Literature - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ITAL 444 - Ital Lit 20th Cent - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Dante's Divine Comedy 3.0

course - Senior Seminar - You may take once 3.0

course - Intro to Classical Japanese 3.0

course - Toward Superior Japanese: Lit 3.0

course - Korean Literature to 1900 3.0

course - Classical Korean (Hanmun) 3.0

course - Korean Literature after 1900 3.0

course - Senior Seminar 2.0

course - Latin Vulgate & Christian Text - You may take once 3.0

course - Livy 3.0

course - Vergil 3.0

course - Ovid 3.0

course - Cicero 3.0

course - Plautus & Terence 3.0

course - Catullus 3.0

course - Imprl Trag & Epic 3.0

course - Latin Epistle 3.0

course - Horace 3.0

course - Tacitus 3.0

course - Roman Satire 3.0

course - Medieval Latin 3.0

course - Topcs Latin Liter - You may take once 0.5v

course - Norwegian Literature 3.0

course - Philosophy of Art - You may take once 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Portugal 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Brazil 3.0

course - African Portuguese Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Camoes 3.0

course - Special Topics in Port Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Machado de Assis 3.0

course - 20th-Century Brazilian Lit 3.0

course - Special Topics in Brazil Lit - You may take once 3.0

PORT 462R - Lusophone Literature - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Russian Literature 1 3.0

course - Russian Literature 2 3.0

course - Special Studies in Russian - You may take once 0.5v

course - Senior Seminar - You may take once 2.0

course - Survey of Lit of Spain 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Span America 3.0

course - Hispanic Cinema 3.0

course - Hisp Theatre Prod - You may take once 3.0

course - Medieval Span Lit 3.0

course - Golden Age Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Don Quijote 3.0

course - 20th Century Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Special Topics in Span Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Early Spanish-American Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - U.S. Latinx Literature 3.0

course - The Spanish-American Novel - You may take once 3.0

course - Spanish-American Poetry - You may take once 3.0

course - Spanish-American Drama - You may take once 3.0

course - Hispanic-American Short Story - You may take once 3.0

course - Spec Topics in Span-Am Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Swedish Literature 3.0

Option 5.2 —Complete up to 9 hours

course - Lit & Cultures of Amer West 3.0

ENGL 333 - The British Novel - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 336 - The American Novel - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0

ENGL 341 - British Drama to 1800 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 343 - Modern British Drama - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Classics & the Engl Tradition 3.0

ENGL 358R - Native Amer Lit 1900-Present - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 359 - The Short Story - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 360 - American Lit to 1800 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 361 - American Lit 1800 - 1865 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 362 - American Lit 1865 - 1914 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 363 - American Lit 1914-1960 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 365 - American Lit 1960 - Present - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 366 - Studies in Poetry - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Lit of the Latter-day Saints 3.0

ENGL 371 - British Lit to 1500 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 372 - British Lit 1500 - 1603 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 373 - British Lit 1660 - 1789 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 374 - British Lit 1789 - 1832 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 375 - British Lit 1832 - 1900 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 376 - British Lit 1900 - 1950 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 380 - British Lit 1950 - Present - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 381 - Chaucer - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Shakespeare 3.0

ENGL 383 - Milton - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Author Studies - You may take once 3.0

ENGL 385 - British Lit 1603 - 1660 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 390R - Transnation/Transatlantic Lit - You may take once - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0