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Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA): Greek New Testament Emphasis

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Academics and Faith

Learning Outcome

Develop the ability to consider the relationship between academics and faith through models of academically sound but also faithful scholarship. Seek a spiritually informed, lifelong pursuit of learning, scholarship, and service.


History and Culture of Ancient Near East

Learning Outcome

Learn and be able to interpret the significant events and developments in the history and cultures of the ancient Near East, including the history and culture of ancient Israel and surrounding civilizations, particularly during the Hellenistic, Roman, and early Christian eras.


Ancient Text Interpretation

Learning Outcome

Be able to translate and interpret major ancient Near Eastern texts, especially the Greek New Testament, and analyze those texts within the contexts of Second Temple Judaism, the Hellenistic World, and the Roman Empire. Acquire proper hermeneutical skills and practice sound exegesis as well as learn how to do modern readings, including readings from a Latter-day Saint perspective.


Language Proficiency

Learning Outcome

Acquire and demonstrate functional capacity in the languages and textual interpretation of the Greek New Testament, being able to read, translate, comprehend, analyze, and interpret these significant religious and historical texts with methodological soundness.


Critical Thinking

Learning Outcome

Develop the capacity for informed, independent, critical thinking, be able to perform appropriate library and online scholarly research, and use these skills in the professional study of the ancient Near East and early Christianity.


Analytical Writing

Learning Outcome

Be able to write cogent and substantial research papers on a university level that utilize theoretical and methodological approaches from the Social Sciences and Humanities that integrate historical and artifactual analysis with the translation, analysis and interpretation of ancient Near Eastern texts and topics.


Academic Integrity

Learning Outcome

Understand and comply with the ethical standards adhered to by professionals in the academic fields of textual analysis, archaeology, and historical research and encouraged to follow them.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 2 Requirements

Requirement 1.1 — Complete 6 Courses

course - Introduction to ANES 3.0

course - Methods & Sources Greek NT 3.0

course - Rdngs in Classical NE Texts 3.0

course - Judaism & Christianity in N E 3.0

course - Ancient Near East to 330 BC 3.0

course - Ancient Near East 330BC-640AD 3.0

Requirement 1.2 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Topics: Greek & Roman History - You may take once 3.0

course - Topics: Ancient Roman History - You may take once 3.0

Note: CLSCS/HIST 430R can be substituted with ANES 430R- Advanced topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with coordinator approval.

Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Archaeology and the Bible 3.0

course - Near Eastern Archaeology 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 3 Courses

course - Junior Seminar in ANES 3.0

course - Senior Capstone in ANES S 2.0

course - Prof Dev International Studies 1.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 7 Courses

course - First-Year Greek 4.0

course - First-Year Greek 4.0

course - Intermediate Greek 4.0

course - Classical Greek Prose 3.0

course - New Testament in Greek:Gospels 3.0

course - Greek NT & Christian Texts - You may take twice 3.0

course - Greek NT & Christian Texts - You may take twice 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 6 hours

Courses taken for other requirements in the major do not double count here. Additional ANES, Greek, or Hebrew courses may be substituted here with the approval of the ANES program coordinator.

course - Methods & Sources Hebrew Bible 3.0

course - Archaeological Fieldwork in NE - You may take once 1.0v

course - Adv Topics in ANES - You may take once 3.0

course - Archaeology and the Bible 3.0

course - Near Eastern Archaeology 3.0

course - Early Christian&Byzantine Art 3.0

course - Greek&Roman Mythology3.0

course - Greek History 3.0

course - Roman History 3.0

course - Classical Archaeology 3.0

course - KC Lecture Series - You may take once 1.0

course - Texts & Ancient Temples 3.0

course - Studies in Anc Near East Lang - You may take once 0.5v

course - Ancient Near Eastern Studies - You may take once 1.5v

Note: Students are encouraged to take Old and New Testament courses (REL A 211, REL A 212, REL A 301, REL A 302) offered by the Department of Ancient Scripture as part of their Religious Education elective requirements