Economics (BS)
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Requirement
Requirement 1.1 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
Note: A grade of C- or better is required.
course - Calculus 1 4.0
course - Calculus 2 4.0
Note 1: Deferred students are encouraged to take a refresher math course such as EngT 295R before or concurrent with Econ 378, 380, or 381.
Note 2: For students contemplating graduate work in economics, the 500-level economics courses plus Math 113, 213, 215, and 314 are strongly recommended.
Note 3: Students may take the Math 112 challenge exam to satisfy the Math 112 requirement. Please visit the Mathematics Department for more information.
Requirement 2 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses
course - Career Prep 1.0
course - Job Search Strategies 2.0
course - Graduate School Preparation 2.0
Requirement 3 —Complete 7 Courses
Complete the following with a grade of C- or better:
course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0
course - Statistics for Economists 3.0
course - Intermediate Micro Theory 1 3.0
course - Intermed Macroeconomics 3.0
course - Intermediate Micro Theory 2 3.0
course - Intro to Econometrics 3.0
course - Applied Econometrics 3.0
Requirement 4 —Complete 12 hours
Complete 12 credit hours from the following courses:
course - Topics in Economic Theory - You may take 5 times 0.5v
course - Antitrust Law&Reg 3.0
course - Law and Economics 3.0
course - Economic Development 3.0
course - Economic Growth 3.0
course - Natrl Resources & Envir Econ 3.0
course - Behavioral Economics 3.0
course - Financial Economics 3.0
course - Monetary Theory & Policy 3.0
course - International Trade Theory 3.0
course - International Monetary Theory 3.0
course - Economics of Education 3.0
course - Economics of the Labor Market 3.0
course - Health Economics 3.0
course - Urban Economics 3.0
course - Topics in Economic History 3.0
course - Public Economics 3.0
course - Industrial Organization 3.0
course - Political Economics 3.0
course - Game Theory & Economics 3.0
course - Machine Learning for Econ 3.0
course - Advanced Micro Theory 1 3.0
course - Adv Macroeconomics 3.0
course - Advanced Micro Theory 2 3.0
course - Advanced Econometrics 3.0