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Economics (BS)

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Economics Bachelors BS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Econometric Analysis

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will be able to conduct basic econometric analysis including using data to estimate behavioral models test hypotheses and measure quantitative relationships; they will have a basic understanding of mathematical statistics that underlies applied econometric analysis.


Economic Problem Solving

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will be able to conceptualize a wide range of constrained optimization problems in economics and related fields and will be able to apply formal mathematical analysis to evaluate these problems.


Career Preparation

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will be prepared and qualified to pursue careers in economics business finance law public policy and related disciplines.


Preparation for Graduate Studies

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will be prepared and qualified to pursue graduate studies in economics business finance law public policy and related disciplines.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Requirement

Requirement 1.1 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

Note: A grade of C- or better is required.

course - Calculus 1 4.0

course - Calculus 2 4.0

Note 1: Deferred students are encouraged to take a refresher math course such as EngT 295R before or concurrent with Econ 378, 380, or 381.

Note 2: For students contemplating graduate work in economics, the 500-level economics courses plus Math 113, 213, 215, and 314 are strongly recommended.

Note 3: Students may take the Math 112 challenge exam to satisfy the Math 112 requirement. Please visit the Mathematics Department for more information.

Requirement 2 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Career Prep 1.0

course - Job Search Strategies 2.0

course - Graduate School Preparation 2.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 7 Courses

Complete the following with a grade of C- or better:

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Statistics for Economists 3.0

course - Intermediate Micro Theory 1 3.0

course - Intermed Macroeconomics 3.0

course - Intermediate Micro Theory 2 3.0

course - Intro to Econometrics 3.0

course - Applied Econometrics 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 12 hours

Complete 12 credit hours from the following courses:

course - Topics in Economic Theory - You may take 5 times 0.5v

course - Antitrust Law&Reg 3.0

course - Law and Economics 3.0

course - Economic Development 3.0

course - Economic Growth 3.0

course - Natrl Resources & Envir Econ 3.0

course - Behavioral Economics 3.0

course - Financial Economics 3.0

course - Monetary Theory & Policy 3.0

course - International Trade Theory 3.0

course - International Monetary Theory 3.0

course - Economics of Education 3.0

course - Economics of the Labor Market 3.0

course - Health Economics 3.0

course - Urban Economics 3.0

course - Topics in Economic History 3.0

course - Public Economics 3.0

course - Industrial Organization 3.0

course - Political Economics 3.0

course - Game Theory & Economics 3.0

course - Machine Learning for Econ 3.0

course - Advanced Micro Theory 1 3.0

course - Adv Macroeconomics 3.0

course - Advanced Micro Theory 2 3.0

course - Advanced Econometrics 3.0