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Linguistics (BA)

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Linguistics Bachelors BA

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Language Structure

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate knowledge of language structure analytical techniques of linguistics and linguistic theory in core and applied areas of linguistics.


Linguistic Artifacts

Learning Outcome

Be able to produce linguistic artifacts (e.g. analyses of grammars grammatical subsystems lexicons computer programs building corpora with digital tools experiments) that draw on knowledge of core and applied areas of linguistics and linguistic theories. We compared in the fall 2021 assesment meeting different examples of artifacts and how well those artifacts communicated analyses. There was a wide range of different types of artifacts which were successful overall in helping to argue for an analysis.


Effective Communication

Learning Outcome

Be able to effectively communicate findings of linguistic analyses or research in writing and speaking. We conducted comparative analyses of different types of linguistic artifacts' ability to contribute to analyses.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course

Professionalization course:

course - Career Explorations in Ling. 2.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 1 Course

Complete the following prerequisite course:

course - Intro to Linguistics (Modern) 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 4 Courses

Complete the following core courses:

course - Sounds of Language 3.0

course - Structure in Language 3.0

course - Meaning in Language 3.0

course - Linguistic Tools 1 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 2 of 7 Courses

Complete two courses from the following:

course - Discourse Analysis 3.0

course - Phonetics 3.0

course - Phonology 3.0

course - Morphology 3.0

course - Syntax 3.0

course - Semantics 3.0

course - Pragmatics 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Complete one course from the following:

course - Intro to Varieties of English 3.0

course - Intro Histor-Comparative Ling 3.0

course - Intro to Sociolinguistics 3.0

course - Corpus Linguistics 3.0

Requirement 6 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following:

Complete university course work (or the equivalent) to a 200-level or higher in any single foreign language including American Sign Language. (For those wishing for Spanish language proficiency credit, their course work must include Spanish 106, or higher.) The language for this requirement may be the same language used to satisfy the GE Foreign Language option, but note that the GE foreign language option may require more coursework than this requirement for the Linguistics major. For non-native speakers of English, the university TOEFL requirement satisfies this requirement for the Linguistics major. Students intending to pursue graduate studies in linguistics are strongly encouraged to study a non-Indo-European language.

Requirement 7 —Complete 1 Requirement

Requirement 7.1 —Complete 3 of 40 Courses

Complete three courses from the following electives:

course - Modern American Usage 3.0

course - Hist of the English Language 3.0

course - Grammar of English 3.0

course - English Phonetics & Phonology 3.0

course - Early Modern English 3.0

course - Late Modern English 3.0

course - Intro to Varieties of English 3.0

course - Language Policy & Planning 3.0

course - Hist of the Book 3.0

course - Old English 1 3.0

course - Middle English 3.0

course - Structure of Modern English 3.0

course - Language & Literature 3.0

course - Discourse Analysis 3.0

course - Structure of Modern English 3.0

course - Phonetics 3.0

course - Phonology 3.0

course - Morphology 3.0

course - Syntax 3.0

course - Semantics 3.0

course - Pragmatics 3.0

course - Text Processing and Analysis 3.0

course - Speech Processing 3.0

course - Soc. Media/Mrkt. Analysis 3.0

course - Academic Internship: Ling - You may take once 0.5v

course - Studies in Linguistics - You may take once 3.0

course - Linguistic Tools 2 3.0

course - Intro to Psycholinguistics 3.0

course - Intro Histor-Comparative Ling 3.0

course - Intro to Sociolinguistics 3.0

course - Typology 3.0

course - First Language Acquisition 3.0

course - Second Language Acquisition 3.0

course - Problems in Translation 3.0

course - Corpus Linguistics 3.0

course - Field Methods in Linguistics 3.0

course - Anthropological Linguistics 3.0

course - Neurolinguistics 3.0

course - Prob Ling&App Ling - You may take once 1.0v

course - Natural Lang Processing 3.0

Note 1: Courses taken in requirements 4 and 5 cannot double count for requirement 7.

Note 2: Only three hours of credit earned as part of a department-approved internship (LING 399R) may be applied to requirement 7.

Note 3: Subject to approval by the Linguistics Area Coordinator, students may take up to two courses (6 hours total) taught outside of the department to satisfy requirement 7. These courses should have substantial linguistic content.

Requirement 8 —Complete 1 Course

Complete the following capstone course:

course - Senior Capstone - You may take once 3.0