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Classical Studies (BA): Classical Civilizations Emphasis

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Mechanics of the Greek or Latin language

Learning Outcome

Students are required to take one year of either Latin or Greek, and while they may continue on with their language study, they are required to have only an introductory experience. Students will, however, will engage ancient authors in translatin.


Interpretation and analysis of Greek or Latin texts

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate their ability to write analytical papers or the equivalent that apply close readings to Classical literary texts to develop and clearly express original interpretations of these texts. We don't yet have data to support conclusions about this program outcome (2023)


Understanding and contextualizing Classical cultures

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate a broad knowledge and comprehension of the history, literature, philosophy, and visual arts of Greece from the Mycenaean civilization through the Hellenistic Age, and of Rome from the Regal Period to the decline of the Empire. We don't yet have data to support conclusions about this program outcome.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course 

course - Humanities & Professional Life 1.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 14 hours

Option 2.1 — Complete 6 hours

course - Intro to Greek & Roman Lit 3.0

course - Classical Tradition 1 3.0

course - Classical Tradition 2 3.0

Option 2.2 — Complete up to 8 hours

course - First-Year Greek 4.0

course - First-Year Greek 4.0

course - 1st-Year Latin 4.0

course - 1st-Year Latin 4.0

course - Beginning Latin Accelerated 5.0

Note: Greek 101, 102 and Latin 101, 102, 111 may be waived with equivalent language experience.

course: Advanced Writing in Comparative Arts and Humanities is recommended to complete the Advanced Written and Oral Communication GE requirement.

Requirement 3 — Complete 3 Courses 

course - Greek&Roman Mythology 3.0

course - Greek History 3.0

course - Roman History 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 2 Courses 

course - Pro-Seminar 2.0

course - Exit Exam 1.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 5 of 9 Courses 

course - Golden Age of Greece 3.0

course - Golden Age of Rome 3.0

course - Gk Rom Cv Lit Film 3.0

course - Classical Archaeology 3.0

course - Topics in Classical Lit & Civ - You may take once 3.0

course - Clscs & Engl Trad 3.0

course - Ancient Literary Criticism 3.0

course - Topics: Ancient Greek History - You may take once 3.0

course - Seminar in Classical Lit - You may take once 3.0