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554028 - German: Linguistics Emphasis

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


6. Self-Reflection

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to reflect upon their own learning language skills writing critical skills etc. Students will be able to formulate for themselves the value of the time and effort that they have spent studying the German language and culture. Students will also be able to explain the experiences from their major in a way that will be recognized and understood by future employers and other members of the non-academic community.


1. German Language Proficiency

Learning Outcome

At the end of each of these courses students will demonstrate German language proficiency according to the 2012 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines as follows: 101: Novice High; 102 Intermediate Low (Some higher) 201: Intermediate Low/ Intermediate Mid; 202: Intermediate Mid (Some higher) 301: Intermediate High; 302 Intermediate High/Advanced Low; 303: Advanced Low (Some higher) 400R: When preparing for graduation students will complete the ACTFL Proficiency tests including OPI (oral) WPT (written) and reading. The minimum aspiration is for Advanced Low across all these tests upon graduation.


2. Written Assignments and Research Papers

Learning Outcome

In written assignments students will analyze and engage with concepts or German-language artifacts in a coherent thoughtful manner appropriate to their course level. In research papers and capstone papers students will demonstrate their abilities to 1) find problems and questions in the artifacts that they are discussing 2) compose thesis statements that make defensible claims that address the problems and questions in the artifact; 3) Compose a well-ordered argument that logically develops the ideas in the thesis statement; 4) Introduce specific supporting evidence through well-integrated quotes in carefully-crafted paragraphs.


3. German Language History

Learning Outcome

Describe and explain the critical changes and influences that shaped the history of the German language.


4. German Linguistic Structures

Learning Outcome

Describe the basic principles underlying the linguistic structure (e.g. word structure sound system and sentence structure) of German and be able to recognize how this knowledge can help them increase their own receptive understanding and creativity with the German language.


5. Reading and Evaluating Sophisticated Texts

Learning Outcome

Read and summarize sophisticated texts including but not limited to journal articles on topics in linguistics and second language acquisition (including pedagogy). Students should be able to evaluate the content limitations and argumentation of these texts.


7. Community-Based Learning and Engagement

Learning Outcome

Students will apply their learning in given classes to create projects that help contribute to the enrichment of others outside of those classes. They will move their research beyond the culmination of a final product submitted for a grade bringing their work into the community and public domain including helping projects outside the classroom in concrete ways e.g. developing materials for an online lexicon project creating enrichment materials and activities for K-16 German classes creating posters and papers for conferences being able to help other students in their learning and resarch. As a result students will be able to articulate how their learning can be applied in real life and can be extended outside of the classroom and ultimately that their learning has and should have community impact.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 3 hours

Complete 3 hours of the following or equivalent residency (mission, study abroad, internship, German language residence):

GERM 311R - Advanced Conversation - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 1.0v

Requirement 2 —Complete 5 Courses

GERM 302 - Germany 20th Century 3.0

GERM 303 - Germany Today 3.0

course - Cultural History of Germany 3.0

GERM 343 - Intro to German Literature 3.0

GERM 344 - Intro to German Linguistics 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 3 Courses

Note: Germ 497R must be a topic related to advanced German linguistics.

GERM 450 - Hist of the German Language 3.0

GERM 460 - Structure of Modern German 3.0

GERM 497R - Sr Sem in German Language - You may take 10 times 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 8 hours

Complete 8 additional hours of pro-seminars and/or courses numbered 217 or higher, 5 hours of which must be approved linguistics courses such as second language acquisition, dialectology, Middle High German, or Old Saxon.

GERM 217 - German & Scandinavian Cinema 3.0

GERM 250 - Marx, Nietzsche, Freud 3.0

GERM 300R - 3rd Yr Proficiency Tutorial - You may take once 1.0v

GERM 301 - Intermediate German 3.0

GERM 340 - Writing About Literature 3.0

GERM 345R - Field Studies in German - You may take once 1.0v

GERM 346 - German Art and Architecture 3.0

GERM 377 - Methods in Teaching German 3.0

GERM 378 - Practicum in Teaching German 1.0

GERM 399R - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

GERM 412R - German Proficiency Workshop 2 - You may take once 1.0v

GERM 440R - Topics in German Literature - You may take once 3.0

GERM 476 - Secondary Student Teaching 12.0

GERM 490R - Special Studies in German - You may take once 0.5v

Requirement 5 —Complete 2 Courses

Complete the following (not offered spring or summer) during one of the last two semesters before graduation. The courses must be taken concurrently. Germ 400R prepares students for proficiency exams. Germ 401 posts the capstone paper grade to the transcript. The capstone paper must have a topic related to Germanic linguistics or second language acquisition.

GERM 400R - 4th-Yr Proficiency Tutorial - You may take once 1.0

course - Capstone Paper 1.0