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Wildlife & Wildlands Conservation (BS)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Stewardship and Professional Judgement

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate professional judgment and stewardship of natural resources.


Plant and Wildlife Identification

Learning Outcome

Identify wildland plants and wildlife species and describe how they function in the environment.


Wildlands Management

Learning Outcome

Apply knowledge of plant and wildlife ecology to management of wildlands.


ToolsTools, Techniques, and Application

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate ability to solve ecological and management problems by applying appropriate tools techniques analytical thought and the scientific method.


Conflict Resolution and Multi-disciplinary Teams

Learning Outcome

Be leaders in conflict resolution and important contributing members of multi-disciplinary teams.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 20 Courses

course - Plants in the Environment 3.0

PWS 113 - Safety Certification - This course is no longer available for registration 1.0

course - Wildlife & Wildland Conservatn 1.0

course - Safety Certifications 1.0

course - Principles of Range Management 3.0

course - Prin of Wildlife & Fishery Mgt 3.0

course - Genetics & Reproduction 3.0

course - Soil Science 3.0

course - Soil Science Lab 1.0

course - Rangeland Plant ID & Ecology 3.0

course - Comparative Animal Nutrition 3.0

course - Natural History of Wildlife 3.0

course - Rangeland Ecology 3.0

course - Rangeland Veg Measurements 3.0

course - Tech Wldlf Invstgn & Mgmnt 3.0

course - Rangeland Improvement 3.0

course - Rangeland Planning & GIS 3.0

course - Ornithology 3.0

course - Mammals of North America 3.0

course - Wildlife Senior Seminar 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 15 hours

Complete 15 elective credit hours from the following course list. With the help of your advisor, select courses to qualify for 2-3 federal job series (wildlife biologist, ecologist, range conservationist, GIS specialist, soil conservationist, botanist, fisheries biologist):

course - Biological Diversity: Animals 4.0

course - Biological Diversity: Plants 4.0

course - Field Botany 3.0

BIO 270 - Animal Restraint This course is no longer available for registration 1.0

course - Comparative Animal Physiology 4.0

course - Evolutionary Biology 4.0

course - Plant Classif. & Identif. 4.0

course - Entomology 3.0

course - Ichthyology 3.0

course - Herpetology 4.0

course - Mammalogy 3.0

course - Capstone in Biodiversity & Con 3.0

course - Marine Biology 3.0

course - Anim Disease, Zoonoses 3.0

course - Aquatic Entomology 4.0

course - Limnology 3.0

course - Stream & Wetland Ecology 4.0

course - Developmental Biology 3.0

course - Mapping Your World 3.0

course - Intro to GIS 3.0

course - Public Lands: Planning & Mgmt 3.0

course - Advanced GIS 3.0

course - Cult Hist of Medicinal Plants 3.0

course - Animal Husbandry 3.0

course - Plant Propagation 3.0

course - Soils Conservation & Resources 3.0

course - Conflict Resolution Mgt 1.0

course - Wildlife Law Enforcement 3.0

course - Fisheries & Wetlands Mgt 3.0

course - Watershed Management 3.0

course - Forest Management & Ecology 3.0

course - Plant Physiol Ecol 3.0

course - Environmental Biophysics 4.0

course - Range Landscape Ecology & GIS 3.0

course - Ungulate Conservation & Mgt 2.0

course - Restoration Ecology 3.0

course - Wildlife Behavioral Ecology 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Aquatic Policies & Laws 3.0

course - Terrestrial Policies and Laws 3.0

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

Recommended courses for preprofessional track. These recommended preprofessional courses can be used to satisfy the elective credits above.

course - Science of Biology 3.0

course - Gen College Chem 1+Lab Integr 4.0

course - General College Chemistry 2 3.0

course - Gen Coll Chem Lab 1.0

course - Organic Chemistry 1 3.0

course - Organic Chemistry 2 3.0

course - Organic Chem Lab-Nonmajors 1.0v

course - General Physics 1 3.0

course - General Physics 2 3.0

course - General Physics Lab 1 1.0

course - General Physics Lab 2 1.0

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

One of the following courses is recommended:

course - Human Physiology 4.0

course - Advanced Physiology 3.0

Recommended Courses are not required to complete the program

Students interested in GIS applications should consider a minor in geographic information systems (20-23 hours). See the Geography Department for details.