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Arts in the K-6 Classroom (Minor)

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Undergrad Minor MIN

Variable Credit Min


Variable Credit Max


Program Requirements

This minor is designed to fulfill requirements necessary for the Utah State Board of Education Arts Integration Endorsement. This minor includes coursework spanning multiple art forms and pedagogies, additional coursework in an area of artistic focus, and coursework related to the integration of arts into the classroom. Successful completion of this minor will prepare students to integrate dance, drama, music, and visual art into other areas of core curriculum taught in elementary classrooms. This minor does not indicate subject area specialization in the arts or qualification for teaching arts courses per se, but rather reflects training in the application of arts-based pedagogies and methodologies to the teaching of other core elementary classroom curricula.

Students completing this minor, along with another education degree pursuant to state educator licensure, should verify with the advisement center in the College of Education that the submission materials for their licensure include their application for Arts Integration endorsement.

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course

Arts Integration and Assessment

course - Arts Integration 2.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 4 Courses

Arts in the Classroom

course - Art for Elementary Teachers 3.0

course - Dance for Elementary Classroom 2.0

course - Mu Elem Clsrm Tchr 2.0

course - Drama in the Elem Classroom 2.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 4 Options

Option 3.1 — Complete 2 of 8 Courses


course - Intro to Art and Drawing 3.0

course - Intro 2D Color and Composition 3.0

course - Intro to Sculpture - Non-Major 3.0

course - Intro to Ceramics - Non-Majors 3.0

course - Painting for Non-Majors 3.0

course - Printmaking for Non-Majors 3.0

course - 3-D Design 1.5

course - Issues in Contemporary Art 3.0

Option 3.2 — Complete 2 Requirements


Requirement 3.2.1 — Complete 2 hours


course - Contemp Mdrn, Tech & Theory 1 - You may take once 1.5

course - Std Workshop Cont Mdrn Dance - You may take once 2.5

course - Foundational Street Dance 1.0

course - Cultural Dance Technique 1 1.0

Requirement 3.2.2 — Complete 2 hours

Pedagogy, Theory, and Creativity

course - Std Wrkshp Improv & Choreog - You may take once 1.0

course - Exploration of Teaching - You may take once 3.0

course - Accelerated Street Dance 1.5

course - DANCE DIASPORA 3.0

course - Kinnect - You may take once 1.0v

course - Mthds of Tchg World Dance 2.0

Option 3.3 — Complete 4 hours


Option 3.3.1 — Complete at least 3 hours up to 4 hours

course - Music Fundamentals 2.0

course - Introduction to Music 3.0

course - Performance Instruction - You may take once 0.5v

course - Civilization: Music 1 3.0

course - Civilization: Music 2 3.0

course - World Music Cultures 3.0

course - Introduction to Jazz 3.0

Note: Upper-division private instruction may also partially fulfill this requirement; no more than 2 total credits of private instruction may count toward this option.

Option 3.3.2 — Complete up to 1 hour

No more than 1 credit of performance ensemble may count toward this requirement.

course - University Chorale - You may take once 1.0

course - Men's Chorus - You may take once 1.0

course - Women's Chorus - You may take once 1.0

course - Concert Choir - You may take once 1.0

course - University Singers - You may take once 1.0

course - Opera Workshop - You may take once 1.0

course - Opera Ensemble - You may take once 0.5v

course - University Orchestra - You may take once 1.0

course - University Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Marching Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Cougar Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Symphonic Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Wind Symphony - You may take once 1.0

course - Folk Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - Steel Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Jazz Combos - You may take once 1.0

course - YA Show Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Jazz Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - Synthesis - You may take once 1.0

course - Jazz Legacy Band - You may take once 1.0

course - Balinese Gamelan - You may take once 1.0

course - Symphony Orchestra - You may take once 1.0

course - Philharmonic Orchestra - You may take once 1.0

course - Chamber Orchestra - You may take once 1.0

course - Harp Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - Brass Chamber Musc - You may take once 1.0

course - Early Music Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - Guitar Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - Percussion Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

course - String Chamber Music - You may take once 1.0

course - Woodwind Chamber M - You may take once 1.0

course - New Music Ensemble - You may take once 1.0

Option 3.5 — Complete 4 hours


course - Intro to Performance Studies 3.0

course - Voice & Diction 2.0

course - Acting Fundamentals 2.0

course - Beginning Stage Combat 1.0

course - Script Analysis 2.0

course - Playwriting 1 3.0

course - Puppetry 2.0

course - Storytelling 2.0

course - Principles of Stage Craft 2.0

course - Principles of Makeup 2.0

course - Creative Drama 2.0

course - Methods Applied Theatre 3.0

course - Children's Media 3.0

course - Theatre Tour - You may take once 3.0