English Teaching (BA)
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
Licensure: This program meets the educational requirements designed to lead to an occupationally required professional license or certificate in the state of Utah. Students pursuing occupations requiring a license or certificate in a state other than Utah should contact the appropriate BYU academic advisement center as well as the licensing agency in the state where they intend to work to seek information and guidance regarding licensure and certification requirements.
This major is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools. In order to graduate with this major, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education licensing requirements. For questions about these requirements, contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426.
For students accepted into the major after December 16, 2019, grades below C in any required coursework in a teaching major or teaching minor will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher once admitted into the program and to qualify for student teaching. For additional details on admission and retention requirements for teaching majors and teaching minors, see Educator Preparation Program Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Students are strongly encouraged to take a freshman college‐level writing course (WRTG 150), regardless of their AP test scores. ENGL 276R is prerequisite to ENGL 329, 377, 378, 379, 423, and 426. All are prerequisite to ENGL 476R or ENGL 496R.
Requirement 1 —Complete 2 Requirements
Core Courses
Requirement 1.1 —Complete 4 Courses
Note: Students must complete ENGL 203 before taking ENGL 303 and must complete ENGL 303 before taking most 300 and 400 level courses. Note: ENGL 348R topic must be Shakespeare.
course - Ways of Reading 3.0
course - Writing Literary Criticism 3.0
course - Shakespeare 3.0
course - Young Adult Literature 3.0
Requirement 1.2 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses
course - Lit Med & Cultures Sr Capstone 3.0
course - Prof Wrtg and Comm Sr Capstone 3.0
course - Literary Studies Sr Capstone 3.0
Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 2 Options
Literary History Survey
Option 2.1 —Complete 3 Courses
course - British Literary History 1 3.0
course - British Literary History 2 3.0
course - American Literary History 3.0
Option 2.2 —Complete 2 Courses
Note: Students must complete ENGL 203 before or concurrently with the literary history requirement: ENGL 291-294. Students must complete the literary history course in a period before taking any 300 level courses in that period as follows: ENGL 291 for ENGL 331R, 369R, 386R; ENGL 292 for ENGL 332R, 370R, 387R; ENGL 293 for ENGL 331R, 332R, 369R, 370R, 388R, 389R
course - British Literary History 1 3.0
course - Transatlantic Literary History 6.0
Requirement 3 —Complete 2 Courses
course - American Lit before 1800 - You may take 2 times 3.0
course - American Literature after 1800 - You may take 2 times 3.0
Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses
NOTE: ENGL 356 is recommended.
course - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0
course - Literature & Film 3.0
course - Myth, Legend, & Folktale 3.0
Requirement 5 —Complete 3 hours
Complete 3.0 hours from the following electives. Courses used to fill a previous requirement may not double count for this requirement.
course - Modern American Usage 3.0
course - Hist of the English Language 3.0
course - Grammar of English 3.0
course - Basic Editing Skills 3.0
course - Genre & Substantive Editing - You may take once 3.0
course - Editing for Publication - You may take once 3.0
course - Old English 1 3.0
course - Middle English 3.0
course - Creative Writing 3.0
course - Brit Liter in Cultural Setting - You may take once 0.5v
course - Writing with Style 3.0
course - Travel Writing 3.0
course - Writing Creative Nonfiction - You may take once 3.0
course - Writing Fiction - You may take once 3.0
course - Writing Poetry - You may take once 3.0
course - Writing for Child & Adolescent - You may take once 3.0
course - Rhetorical Foundations 3.0
course - Professional Writing 3.0
course - Visual Communication 3.0
course - Digital Communication 3.0
course - Studies in Rhetoric - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Composing - You may take once 3.0
course - Media and Pop Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - Media and Pop Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - Professional Speaking 3.0
course - Studies in Lit Form and Genre - You may take once 3.0
course - Literary Studies of the Bible 3.0
course - Book and Publishing History 3.0
course - Digital and Visual Literacies - You may take once 3.0
course - Literature & Film 3.0
course - Classics & the Engl Tradition 3.0
course - Myth, Legend, & Folktale 3.0
course - Literature, Ethics, and Values - You may take once 3.0
course - Lit of the Latter-day Saints 3.0
course - Transnational Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - Transnational Lit after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - Author Studies - You may take once 3.0
course - British Literature before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - British Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - American Lit before 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - American Literature after 1800 - You may take once 3.0
course - Introduction to Folklore 3.0
course - American Folklore 3.0
course - Studies in Literature - You may take once 3.0
course - Studies in Women's Lit - You may take once 3.0
course - World Literatures in English - You may take once 3.0
course - Creative Wrtg Cap: Nonfiction 3.0
course - Creative Wrtg Cap: Fiction 3.0
course - Creative Wrtg Cap: Poetry 3.0
course - Studies in Lit Crit and Theory - You may take once 3.0
course - Directed Research in English - You may take once 1.0v
course - Individual Readings in English - You may take once 0.5v
course - Lit Med & Cultures Sr Capstone 3.0
course - Prof Wrtg and Comm Sr Capstone 3.0
course - Literary Studies Sr Capstone 3.0
course - Media in Contemporary Clssrm 3.0
Requirement 6 —Complete 11 Courses
course - Educ Stdnts w/Disablts in ScEd 2.0
course - Exploration of Teaching - You may take once 3.0
course - Tchg Grammar & Usage 3.0
course - Tchg English in Secndry Schls 3.0
course - Teaching Literature & Reading 3.0
course - Practicum in Secndry Engl Tchg 1.0
course - Tchg Composition in Sec Schl 3.0
course - Dig Lit & Tech in Sec Schl 2.0
course - Student Teaching Seminar 1.0
course - Multicultural Educ 2.0
course - Ad Dev & Class Mgmt 3.0
Requirement 7 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses
course - Secondary Student Teaching 12.0
course - Secondary Teaching Internship - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 12.0