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Sociology (BS)

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Sociology Bachelors BS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Apply the sociological perspective

Learning Outcome

Graduates will explain the social dimensions of individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations, and societies, apply sociological theories to individual or collective phenomena, and communicate about them effectively.


Navigate diversity

Learning Outcome

Graduates will describe a diversity of perspectives on race, class, and/or gender in local and global contexts, apply those perspectives to individual or collective phenomena, and communicate about them effectively.


Research proficiently

Learning Outcome

Graduates will use qualitative and quantitative research methods (e.g., interviews, focus groups, surveys, coding, statistical modeling), apply them to answer questions, and communicate about them effectively.


Be prepared for post-graduation life

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be ready for graduate school or careers by participating in experiential learning opportunities as students.


Live faithfully

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be prepared spiritually for their personal and professional pursuits by integrating faith and reason in their academic studies.

Program Requirements

The Sociology Department requires a minimum of 24 hours of sociology major courses to be taken in residence at BYU for this degree program. These hours may also go toward BYU's 30-hour residency requirement for graduation.

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses

Introductory courses (to be completed preferably in sophomore year or earlier):

course - Introductory Sociology 3.0

course - Current Social Problems 3.0

course - Multicultural America 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 5 Courses

Core courses:

course - Professional Dev in Sociology 1.0

course - Methods of Research in Soc 3.0

course - Data Analysis & Presentation 3.0

course - Social Inquiry 3.0

course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0

Note: Students must declare a sociology major before registering for Soc 307; students must complete these four courses with a C- or better grade.

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Diversity courses:

course - Intro Global Women's Studies 3.0

course - Class Inequality 3.0

course - Sociology of Race & Ethnicity 3.0

course - Soc of Gender 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

Advanced methods courses:

course - Qualitative Research Methods 3.0

course - Regression Analysis 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Complete one of the following options in order to fulfill the GE Advabced Written and Oral Communication requirement:

Option 5.1 —Complete 2 Courses

course - Senior Capstone Part 1 - You may take once 3.0

course - Senior Capstone Part 2 - You may take once 3.0

Option 5.2 —Complete 1 Course

course - Persuasive Writing 3.0

Requirement 6 —Complete 1 of 2 Options

Complete one of the following capstone options:

Option 6.1 —Complete 2 Courses

course - Senior Capstone Part 1 - You may take once 3.0

course - Senior Capstone Part 2 - You may take once 3.0

Option 6.2 —Complete 6 hours

course - Understanding Modern Societies 3.0

course - Sociology of Organizations 3.0

course - Inequality & Society 3.0

course - Sociology of Immigration3.0

course - Political Sociology 3.0

course - Markets & Society 3.0

course - Sociology of Work & Occupation 3.0

course - The Family & Social Change 3.0

course - Issues in Family Sociology 3.0

course - Crime, Justice, & Corrections 3.0

course - Special Topics in Sociology - You may take once 1.0v

Requirement 7 —Complete 18 hours

Complete 18 credit hours of 300-level or above Sociology courses. (No double counting within the major is allowed.)

Option 7.1 —Complete 18 hours

course - End-of-Life Care 3.0

course - Intro to Social Work 3.0

course - Intro Global Women's Studies 3.0

course - Applied Social Rsrch Methods 3.0

course - Evaluation Research 3.0

course - Contemporary Soc Theory 3.0

course - Adol Dev Fam & Soc 3.0

course - Sociology of Innovation 3.0

course - Class Inequality 3.0

course - Sociology of Race & Ethnicity 3.0

course - Intro to Sociology of Religion 3.0

course - Sociology of Education 3.0

SOC 327 - Soc of LDS Church & People - This class is no longer available for registration. 3.0

course - Sociology of Sport 3.0

course - Medical Sociology 3.0

course - Cultural Sociology 3.0

course - Social Orgnztn & Change 3.0

course - Soc of International Develpmnt 3.0

course - World Populations 3.0

course - Intro to Social Psychology 3.0

course - Intro to Family Sociology 3.0

course - Theoretical Foundations Family 3.0

course - Sociology of Aging 2.0

course - Soc of Gender 3.0

course - Urban Sociology 3.0

course - Deviance & Social Control 3.0

course - Juvenile Delinquency 3.0

course - Special Topics - You may take once 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

course - Qualitative Research Methods 3.0

course - Regression Analysis 3.0

course - Sociology of Immigration 3.0

course - Directed Reading in Sociology - You may take once 1.0v

course - Directed Research in Sociology - You may take once 1.0v

course - Politicl Sociology 3.0

course - Sociology of Religion 2.0

SOC 527 - LDS Church&People - This class is no longer available for registration. 3.0

course - Sociology of Rural Communities 3.0

course - Individual & Fam in Later Yr 3.0

course - Special Topics - You may take once 0.5v

course - Directed Readings - You may take once 0.5v

course - Pro-Seminar - You may take once 1.0

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or two semesters (up to 9 credit hours) of professional experience including academic internships (on-campus, domestic, or international) and research with a faculty member (Soc 497R). Students may apply up to a total of 9 professional experience credit hours toward the sociology elective requirement. Suggested courses include MSB 494R (On-Campus Experiential Projects), IAS 397R (Topics in IAS), IAS 399R (Academic Internship: International), Poli 399R (Academic Internship), Soc 399R (Academic Internship), Soc 497R (Directed Research in Sociology).