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Information Systems (BS) *

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Gain a Knowledge of Information Systems and Business

Learning Outcome

Program graduates will apply knowledge of information systems as well as general business to bridge the gap between technical and business personel. Even in a tough economy and with some companies putting a hold in internships, BSIS graduates are mostly being placed in well paid jobs because they are technically prepared to be a successful addition to businesses. Faculty continually monitor and update curriculum to meet industry needs.


Create and Manage Organizational Technical Functions

Learning Outcome

Acquire, deploy, maintain, and manage, information technology systems, infrastructure, security, resources, and services. Students are well ahead of other Information Systems graduates around the work in regards to business skills and technical skills. Curriculum is constantly revised, teamwork is always improved, and students are having more opportunities to be mentored.


Make Informed Business and Technical Decisions

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be able to make informed business and technical decisions and solve unstructured problems in a rapidly changing environment. Our BSIS is a top 10 ranked program in some rankings. Almost every single BSIS is being placed and salaries at approx 75K a year. Graduates are also moving into management positions within their organizations. The program continues to be well ranked and valued by academic peers and industry.


Develop Lifelong Learning Skills

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be prepared to pursue lifelong learning. More and more students are focused on continued learning with more students even pursuing a PhD after the MISM and BSIS. A large number of students either complete the MISM after the BSIS or apply for other graduate programs around the nation.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 2 Requirements

Prerequisite courses: These courses are used in determining admission to the undergraduate Information Systems program.

Requirement 1.1 —Complete 2 Courses

course - Principles of Accounting 3.0

course - Intro to Information Systems 3.0

Requirement 1.2 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Intro to Computer Science 3.0

course - Intro to Computer Programming 3.0

course - Intro Computer Programming 3.0

Apply and be formally accepted into the program.

Requirement 2 —Complete 6 Courses

Note: It is strongly recommended that STAT 121 be completed before entering the IS core. It is strongly encouraged to have M COM 320 completed before the IS core.

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Principles of Finance 3.0

course - Spreadsheets & Bus Analysis 1.0

course - Commun in Organiztnl Settings 3.0

course - Marketing Management 3.0

course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 8 Courses

course - Proj Management & Sys Design 3.0

course - Database Systems 3.0

course - Prin of Business Programming 3.0

course - Data Communication 3.0

course - Enterprise Application Devel 3.0

course - IS Security & Controls 3.0

course - Machine Learning 3.0

course - Machine Learning 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 of 16 Courses

course - Adv Spreadsheets Bus Analysis 3.0

course - Spreadsheet Automation 3.0

course - Enterprise Infrastructure 3.0

course - Advanced Data Communications 3.0

course - Data Structures 3.0

course - Web Development 3.0

course - Mobile Platform Development 3.0

course - User Experience Design 3.0

course - Data Science for Organizations 3.0

course - Information Security Mngmnt 3.0

course - IS Project Management 3.0

course - Digital Forensics for Orgnztns 3.0

course - Advanced Database Management 3.0

course - Academic Research in I Sys 3.0

course - Structural Equation Modeling 3.0

course - Network Administration - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 5 Courses

Business Core courses:

course - Intro Global Supply Chain Mgt 1.5

course - Intro to GSCM International 1.5

course - Organizational Effectiveness 3.0

course - Ethics for Management 3.0

course - Strategy and Economics 3.0

Requirement 6 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following:

Complete Marriott School exit survey online.