Anthropology (BA): Archaeology Emphasis
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
Requirement 1 — Complete 6 Courses
course - Social/Cultural Anthropology 3.0
course - Intro to Archaeology 3.0
course - Introduction to the Major 0.5
course - Foundations of Social Theory 3.0
course - Foundations of Anthr Theory 3.0
course - Archaeol:Mthd,Thry 3.0
Requirement 2 —Complete 9 hours
Regional archaeology courses. You must take at least one Old World course and one New World course (Only 6 hours may be taken in 390R courses to count in the major.
course - Andean South America 3.0
course - Arch Cultures of N America 3.0
course - Archaeology and the Bible 3.0
course - Arch Mesoamerica 3.0
course - Archaeology of Egypt 3.0
course - Arch of Ancient Aegean&Greece 3.0
course - Arch of Roman Civilization 3.0
course - Near Eastern Archaeology 3.0
course - Archaeology of Islam 3.0
course - Archaeology of Europe 3.0
course - Spec Topics in Regional Anthro - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v
course - Great Basin Archaeology 3.0
course - Southwest Seminar 3.0
course - Near East Seminar 3.0
ANTHR 590R - Special Topics - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 3.0
Requirement 3 — Complete 6 hours
Archaeological and museum practice courses
course - Archaeology Field Trip 1.0
course - Human Osteology 3.0
course - Museums & Cultures 3.0
course - Museum Registration & Ethics 3.0
course - Quantitative Methods 3.0
course - Historical Anthropology 3.0
course - Historical Anthropology 3.0
course - Archaeological Science 3.0
course - Archaeoinformatics 3.0
course - Ethnoarchaeology 3.0
course - Museum Collections Management 3.0
course - Museum Projects 3.0
course - Special Topics - You may take once 0.5v
course - Heritage Resource Mgt 3.0
Requirement 4 — Complete 3 hours
Other anthropological sub disciplines
course - Applied Anthropology 3.0
course - Biological Anthropology 3.0
course - Language, Culture, & Society 3.0
course - Multispecies Sociality 3.0
course - Moral & Ritual Institutions 3.0
course - Kinship & Gender 3.0
course - Economic&Political Institutns 3.0
course - Medical Anthropology 3.0
course - Symbolic Anthropology 3.0
course - Psychological Anthropology 3.0
course - The End of the World 3.0
course - Anthropology Seminar 1.0
course - Special Topics in Theory & Sys - You may take once 0.5v
course - Ethnographic Field Project - You may take once 3.0v
course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v
course - Directed Readings 3.0
course - Contemporary Theory 3.0
course - Ethnographic Data Analysis 3.0
course - Sociolinguistics 3.0
course - Anthropological Linguistics 3.0
Requirement 5 —Complete 4 Courses
Complete the following in sequential order:
course - Field School Prep 2.0
course - Field School of Archaeology 6.0
course - Lab Skills for Anthropology 3.0
course - Senior Thesis 3.0