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Anthropology (BA): Archaeology Emphasis

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Anthropology Bachelors BA

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Effective and Professional Communication

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be able to write well.


Research Skills and Methods

Learning Outcome

Graduates will be able to appropriately use methods to gather, process, and interpret archaeological data.


Human Cultural History and Diversity

Learning Outcome

Graduates will possess a solid knowledge of the diversity of past human cultures throughout the world as well as how the theories and methodologies of Archaeology have contributed to that knowledge.



Learning Outcome

Program graduates will understand and be able to apply appropriate theory in the analysis of archaeological problems.


Original Mentored Research

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to apply their methodological and theoretical knowledge in original research projects culminating in a high quality theoretically informed senior thesis. This will come from research experiences that are closely mentored by faculty.

Program Requirements

Requirement 1 — Complete 6 Courses

course - Social/Cultural Anthropology 3.0

course - Intro to Archaeology 3.0

course - Introduction to the Major 0.5

course - Foundations of Social Theory 3.0

course - Foundations of Anthr Theory 3.0

course - Archaeol:Mthd,Thry 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 9 hours

Regional archaeology courses. You must take at least one Old World course and one New World course (Only 6 hours may be taken in 390R courses to count in the major.

course - Andean South America 3.0

course - Arch Cultures of N America 3.0

course - Archaeology and the Bible 3.0

course - Arch Mesoamerica 3.0

course - Archaeology of Egypt 3.0

course - Arch of Ancient Aegean&Greece 3.0

course - Arch of Roman Civilization 3.0

course - Near Eastern Archaeology 3.0

course - Archaeology of Islam 3.0

course - Archaeology of Europe 3.0

course - Spec Topics in Regional Anthro - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

course - Great Basin Archaeology 3.0

course - Southwest Seminar 3.0

course - Near East Seminar 3.0

ANTHR 590R - Special Topics - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 6 hours

Archaeological and museum practice courses

course - Archaeology Field Trip 1.0

course - Human Osteology 3.0

course - Museums & Cultures 3.0

course - Museum Registration & Ethics 3.0

course - Quantitative Methods 3.0

course - Historical Anthropology 3.0

course - Historical Anthropology 3.0

course - Archaeological Science 3.0

course - Archaeoinformatics 3.0

course - Ethnoarchaeology 3.0

course - Museum Collections Management 3.0

course - Museum Projects 3.0

course - Special Topics - You may take once 0.5v

course - Heritage Resource Mgt 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 3 hours

Other anthropological sub disciplines

course - Applied Anthropology 3.0

course - Biological Anthropology 3.0

course - Language, Culture, & Society 3.0

course - Multispecies Sociality 3.0

course - Moral & Ritual Institutions 3.0

course - Kinship & Gender 3.0

course - Economic&Political Institutns 3.0

course - Medical Anthropology 3.0

course - Symbolic Anthropology 3.0

course - Psychological Anthropology 3.0

course - The End of the World 3.0

course - Anthropology Seminar 1.0

course - Special Topics in Theory & Sys - You may take once 0.5v

course - Ethnographic Field Project - You may take once 3.0v

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

course - Directed Readings 3.0

course - Contemporary Theory 3.0

course - Ethnographic Data Analysis 3.0

course - Sociolinguistics 3.0

course - Anthropological Linguistics 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 4 Courses

Complete the following in sequential order:

course - Field School Prep 2.0

course - Field School of Archaeology 6.0

course - Lab Skills for Anthropology 3.0

course - Senior Thesis 3.0