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Art Education (Minor) *

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Art Undergrad Minor MIN

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Program Requirements

This minor is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools. A teaching minor may only be received by students graduating with a teaching major. In order to graduate with this minor, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education licensing requirements. To view these requirements go to or contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426.

For students accepted into the major after December 16, 2019, grades below C in any required coursework in a teaching major or teaching minor will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher once admitted into the program and to qualify for student teaching. For additional details on admission and retention requirements for teaching majors and teaching minors, see Educator Preparation Program Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Requirement 1 — Complete 3 Courses

Core courses:

course - Intro to Art 2D 3.0

course - Intro to Art 3D 3.0

course - Ways of Being an Artist 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 3 Courses

Art Education courses:

course - K-12 ClssrmMgmt,3D Mthds&Pract 3.0

course - Issues in Contemporary Art 3.0

course - Adv Sec Stu Tchg Mthds Art Ed 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 7.5 hours

course - New Genre Interdisciplinary 3.0

course - Painting Fundamentals 3.0

course - Ceramics Fundamentals 1.5

course - Sculpture Fundamentals 1.5

course - Intro to Drawing & Fig Drawing 3.0

course - Printmaking Fundamentals 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 Course

course - Sec Minor Student Teaching - You may take once 4.0