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Psychology (BS)

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Psychology Bachelors BS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


A. Knowledge of the Discipline

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to recognize and articulate basic fundamental knowledge of major psychological concepts, perspectives, and historical trends. Students will be able to apply psychological concepts in order to solve personal and social issues.


B. Effective Research and Writing

Learning Outcome

Understand and apply basic research methods in psychology including data analysis and interpretation, research design, psychometric methods, and the writing of results in the light of previous findings. (Competency Outcome)


C. Experiential Learning

Learning Outcome

Apply the principles of psychology in an internship setting (399R), a teaching (410R) or community service setting (420R), or in a mentored-research setting (430R) before graduation.

Program Requirements

At least 36 of the total major credits must be 300-level or above. (Students can enroll in 500-level courses on a space-available basis.)

The Psychology Department requires a minimum of 23 hours of psychology major credit to be taken in residence at BYU for this degree program. These hours may also go toward BYU's 30-hour residency requirement for graduation.

A maximum of 15 hours may be taken as Independent Study (only 8 of which may count as departmental residence hours).

Requirement 1 —Complete 5 Courses

PSYCH 111 - Psychological Science 3.0

PSYCH 210 - History of Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 307 - Writing Within Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 308 - Psychological Statistics 4.0

PSYCH 310 - Research Design & Analysis 3.0

Note: All students are encouraged to take Psych 101: Orientation to the Psychology Major. Students considering application to graduate study are strongly encouraged to take Psych 200.

Requirement 2 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Multicultural issues courses:

ANTHR 101 - Social/Cultural Anthropology 3.0

PSYCH 305 - Multicultural Psychology 3.0

SFL 354 - Cross-Cultural Fam & Hum Dev 3.0

SOC 113 - Multicultural America 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 4 Courses

Gender issues courses:

GWS 222 - Intro Global Women's Studies 3.0

POLI 472 - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0

PSYCH 306 - Psychology of Gender 3.0

SOC 367 - Soc of Gender 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 1 of 3 Courses

PSYCH 320 - Developmental Psych: Childhood 3.0

PSYCH 321 - Develpmntl Psych: Adolescence 3.0

PSYCH 322 - Developmental Psych: Adulthood 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

PSYCH 342 - Abnormal Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 343 - Child Psychopathology 3.0

Requirement 6 —Complete 3 Courses

PSYCH 350 - Intro to Social Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 375 - Cognition 3.0

PSYCH 381 - Behavioral Neurobiology 3.0

Requirement 7 —Complete 6 hours

Complete 6 credit hours of elective courses not completed above.

PSYCH 305 - Multicultural Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 306 - Psychology of Gender 3.0

PSYCH 311 - Critical Issues in Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 321 - Develpmntl Psych: Adolescence 3.0

PSYCH 322 - Developmental Psych: Adulthood 3.0

PSYCH 330 - Organizational Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 338 - Sport Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 341 - Personality 3.0

PSYCH 343 - Child Psychopathology 3.0

PSYCH 345 - Basic Mediation 3.0

PSYCH 348 - Clinical Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 349 - Intro to Positive Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 352 - Applied Social Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 353 - Latter-day Saint Perspectives 3.0

PSYCH 354 - Psychology of Religion 3.0

PSYCH 356 - Intro to Health Psychology 3.0

PSYCH 358 - Leadership Development 3.0

PSYCH 365 - Motivation 3.0

PSYCH 370 - Sensation and Perception 3.0

PSYCH 377 - Cognitive Neurosci of Memory 3.0

PSYCH 382 - Stress Psychobiology 3.0

PSYCH 387 - Intro to Primate Behavior 3.0

PSYCH 388 - Drugs, Reward and Addiction 3.0

SOC W 200 - Intro to Social Work 3.0

SOC W 331 - Social Welfare Policy 3.0

SOC W 360 - Social Wk Practice/Individuals 3.0

Requirement 8 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

Psych 310 is a prerequisite for Psych 309 and Psych 312R.

PSYCH 309 - Psychometrics 3.0

PSYCH 312R - Advanced Methods - You may take once 3.0

Requirement 9 —Complete 3 hours

Capstone seminars.

Option 9.1 —Complete 3 hours

PSYCH 410R - Senior Practicum: Tchg of Psy - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 1.0v

PSYCH 420R - Senior Practicum: Projects 3.0

PSYCH 430R - Senior Practicum: Research 3.0

PSYCH 496R - Academic Internship, Capstone - You may take up to 3.0 credit hours 0.5v

To enroll in capstone seminars, students must have completed Requirements 1 and 8. Students must also have senior status at BYU.