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General Studies (BGS): Education Emphasis

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Bachelors BGS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan

Program Requirements

Have 27 hours of campus residency.

Complete a minimum of 9 hours in the emphasis after formal admission to the BGS program.

Thirty of the 120 hours must be 300-level or above courses.

Students must earn a minimum 2.0 BYU grade point average, a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average, and a minimum 2.0 emphasis grade point average.

The program must be completed in eight years or less.

All emphasis courses taken after admission to BGS must be BYU courses.

Before applying to the Education BGS, the student must have (1) been accepted into a teaching major at BYU (Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Physical Education Teacher Education, Special Education, or Secondary Education teaching major), (2) completed all university core and specific teaching major requirements, except student teaching, and (3) earned the minimum course grades and GPA requirements for their teaching major (this varies depending on when student was accepted into the teaching major).

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 Course

Prerequisite Course (must be completed before taking any other courses, includes preparing academic plan which must be approved before proceeding):

course - Essential College Skills 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 9 hours

Courses on this list taken prior to being accepted to the Education BGS or those required for completion of the teaching major cannot be counted for this requirement. (Check with BGS office for current list of courses.)

course - Children's Literature 3.0

course - Young Adult Literature 3.0

course - Developmental Psych: Childhood 3.0

course - Human Development 3.0

course - Parenting & Child Guidance 3.0

course - Infant Dev in the Family 3.0

course - Adolescent Dev in Fam & Soc 3.0

course - Adult Development & Aging 3.0

course - Social Development 3.0

course - Language Development 3.0

course - Media, Fam & Human Dev 3.0

course - Current Social Problems 3.0

course - Intro to Social Psychology 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 Course

course - BGS Capstone 2.0