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International Relations (BA)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Factual Knowledge

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate factual knowledge of important international trends and events related to politics economics geography and history.


Analyzing International Affairs

Learning Outcome

Analyze international affairs by using theoretical concepts and ideas from more than one IR-related discipline.


Writing Effectively

Learning Outcome

Communicate effectively in writing and in speech.


Critical and Analytical Thinking

Learning Outcome

Think critically and analytically about international problems and events and synthesize concepts information and experiences from different disciplines relevant to international affairs.


Analysis and Research

Learning Outcome

Employ appropriate methods of analysis and research both qualitative and quantitative to provide sophisticated analyses and clear logical arguments relating to important questions about international relations.

Program Requirements

No double counting of courses within the major will be allowed unless noted otherwise. Students majoring in International Relations may not pursue minors in either Economics, Political Science, or International Strategy and Diplomacy because of the course overlap between International Relations and those minors.

Requirement 1 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Econ Principles & Problems 3.0

course - Geography & World Affairs 3.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Comparative Governmnt&Politics 3.0

course - Principles of Comprtv Politics 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Intro International Politics 3.0

course - Principles of Intl Relations 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Calculus 1 4.0

course - Political Inquiry 4.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 5.1 — Complete 2 Courses

Note: Econ 388 can double count for an elective under specialization 12.2 and 12.7.

course - Statistics for Economists 3.0

course - Intro to Econometrics 3.0

Option 5.2 — Complete 1 Course

course - Statistical Analysis 4.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Intermediate Micro Theory 1 3.0

course - Intermed Macroeconomics 3.0

Requirement 7 — Complete 1 of 6 Courses

course - Economic Development 3.0

course - Economic Growth 3.0

course - Natrl Resources & Envir Econ 3.0

course - International Trade Theory 3.0

course - International Monetary Theory 3.0

course - Game Theory & Economics 3.0

Requirement 8 — Complete 2 of 12 Courses

course - US Foreign Relations 3.0

course - European Politics 3.0

course - Designing Democ. Constitutions 3.0

course - Comparative Political Econ 3.0

course - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0

course - Russia/Former Soviet Politics 3.0

course - African Politics 3.0

course - China: Government & Politics 3.0

course - Middle East Politics 3.0

course - Latin American Politics 3.0

course - US Foreign Policy 3.0

course - Civil Wars & Ethnic Violence 3.0

Requirement 9 — Complete 1 of 6 Courses

course - Intrnl Political Economy 3.0

course - International Law 3.0

course - International Organizations 3.0

course - US Foreign Policy 3.0

course - National Security Affairs 3.0

course - International Conflict 3.0

Requirement 10 — Complete 1 of 5 Courses

Only MESA 495, Poli 350, or Poli 370 can fill the GE Advanced Written and Oral Communication requirement when coupled with Poli 200.

course - Capstone in Asian Studies 1.0

course - Senior Seminar 3.0

course - Sr Sem in Middle East Studies 3.0

course - Research Proj: Comp Politics 3.0

course - Resrch Proj: Intrnl Relations 3.0

Requirement 11 — Complete 1 of 27 Courses

Achieve proficiency in a foreign language. Students must complete courses for one language to a specified level. Some prerequisite courses may be waived with equivalent language experience. The foreign language requirement is waived for international students for whom English is their second language. Students can also receive credit for many less commonly taught languages (e.g., Tagalog, Thai). Please see the Center for Language Studies website ( for information on which languages are offered and when or visit the Kennedy Center Advisement Office.

course - Newspaper Arabic 4.0

course - Cultural History of Bulgaria 3.0

course - Advanced Mandarin 4.0

course - Cultural History of Czech 3.0

course - Danish Literature 3.0

course - Intro to Dutch Literature 3.0

course - Finnish Literature 3.0

course - Advanced French Part 1 3.0

course - Intro to Literary Analysis 3.0

course - Germany 20th Century 3.0

course - Cultural History of Germany 3.0

course - Intro to German Linguistics 3.0

course - Cultural History of Hungary 3.0

course - Old Icelandic Lang &Literature 3.0

course - Advanced Language Part 1 3.0

course - Intro to Italian Literature 3.0

course - Advanced 1: Current Events 3.0

course - Third-Year Korean 2 4.0

course - Norwegian Literature 3.0

course - Cultural History of Poland 3.0

course - 3rd-Yr Port Read, Gram, & Cult 3.0

course - Intro toRomanian Liter&Culture 3.0

course - 3rd Yr Russian, Part 1 3.0

course - Cultural History of Russia 3.0

course - 3rd-Yr Span Read, Gram, & Cult 3.0

course - Swedish Literature 3.0

course - Cultural History of Ukraine 3.0

Requirement 12 — Complete 1 of 8 Options

Specializations: Complete one of the following tracks. Courses above cannot be double counted for specialization unless otherwise noted. With the prior approval of the international relations coordinator, a maximum of 3 hours of IAS 399R or IAS 351R may be used toward meeting the four-course requirement of specialization. Only the second semester of IAS 351R would be allowed.

Option 12.1 — Complete 4 of 18 Courses

International Politics. Complete four courses from the following. At least one course must be from history and at least one course from political science.

course - Economic&Political Institutns 3.0

course - International Media Systems 3.0

course - Issues in Global Communication 3.0

course - Political Geography 3.0

course - WW II in History & Memory 3.0

course - Europe Since 1914 3.0

course - Strategy in Peace and War 3.0

course - US Hist, 1945-2000 3.0

course - The Vietnam War 3.0

course - US Foreign Relations 3.0

course - International Law 3.0

course - Ethics & Intl Affairs 3.0

course - International Organizations 3.0

course - National Security Affairs 3.0

course - International Conflict 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0

course - Civil Wars & Ethnic Violence 3.0

course - Terrorism 3.0

Option 12.2 — Complete 4 of 11 Courses

Political Economy. Complete four courses from at least two disciplines. At least two courses must be from economics. NOTE: Econ 378/388 sequence will be allowed to double count to fulfill one course in this track. Poli 304 may substitute for Econ 478.

course - Intermediate Micro Theory 2 3.0

course - Intro to Econometrics 3.0

course - Economic Development 3.0

course - Economic Growth 3.0

course - International Trade Theory 3.0

course - International Monetary Theory 3.0

course - Game Theory & Economics 3.0

course - Designing Democ. Constitutions 3.0

course - Comparative Political Econ 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Economy 3.0

course - Political Econ of Development 3.0

Option 12.3 — Complete 4 of 14 Courses

Asian Politics and History. Complete four courses from the following. At least one course must be from political science and one course from history.

course - Contemporary Japan 3.0

course - East Asia 3.0

course - Southeast Asia 3.0

course - Intro to East Asian History 3.0

course - Pre-modern Korea 3.0

course - Modern Korea 3.0

course - China Since 1200 3.0

course - Modern Japan 3.0

course - Modern Southeast Asia 3.0

course - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0

course - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0

course - China: Government & Politics 3.0

course - Intrntl Relations of Asia 3.0

course - Chin Foreign Polcy 3.0

Option 12.4 — Complete 4 of 8 Courses

Latin American Politics and History. Complete four courses from the following. At least one course must be from political science and one course from history.

course - Middle & South America 3.0

course - Modern Latin Amer 3.0

course - History of Mexico 3.0

course - History of Argentina 3.0

course - Brazil 3.0

course - Gender & History in Latin Amer 3.0

course - Latin American Politics 3.0

course - Intrnl Relations of Latin Amer 3.0

Option 12.5 — Complete 4 of 10 Courses

Middle Eastern Politics and History. Complete four courses from at least two disciplines. At least one course must be from history. Note: Hist 242 and 243 do not substitute here.

course - Peoples of the Middle East 3.0

course - Middle East 3.0

course - M E Hist to 1800 3.0

course - M E Hist from 1800 3.0

course - Jewsh Hist 70AD-Pr 3.0

course - Islam in Contemporary Society 3.0

course - Middle East Politics 3.0

course - Intrntl Relatns of Middle East 3.0

course - Islam and Politics 3.0

course - Arab-Palestn-Israeli Conflct 3.0

Option 12.6 — Complete 4 of 17 Courses

European Politics and History. Complete four courses from the following. At least one course must be from political science and one course from history.

course - Europe 3.0

course - Russia & Former Soviet Union 3.0

course - Europe Since 1914 3.0

course - Euro Revolutions Since 1500 3.0

course - History of Ideas 3.0

course - European Women's History 3.0

course - Modern Britain 3.0

course - France 3.0

course - Spain 3.0

course - Modern Italy 3.0

course - Modern Germany 3.0

course - Soviet & Post-Soviet Russia 3.0

course - Scandinavian Hist 3.0

course - European Politics 3.0

course - Russia/Former Soviet Politics 3.0

course - British Government & Politics 3.0

course - Internatl Relations of Europe 3.0

Option 12.7 — Complete 2 Requirements

Economic and Political Development. Econ 388 is the preferred route to fill the statistics prerequisite for this course. Complete three courses from the following, of which one course must be from political science. NOTE: Econ 378/388 sequence will be allowed to double count to fulfill one course in this track.

Requirement 12.7.1 — Complete 1 Course

Note: Econ 431 cannot be double-counted for the 400-level economics course in the core in Requirement 7.

course - Economic Development 3.0

Requirement 12.7.2 — Complete 3 of 19 Courses

course - Intro to Econometrics 3.0

course - Economic Growth 3.0

course - Natrl Resources & Envir Econ 3.0

course - International Trade Theory 3.0

course - International Monetary Theory 3.0

course - Middle & South America 3.0

course - Middle East 3.0

course - East Asia 3.0

course - Southeast Asia 3.0

course - Africa South of the Sahara 3.0

course - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0

course - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0

course - African Politics 3.0

course - Middle East Politics 3.0

course - Latin American Politics 3.0

course - Intnl Rel of Devel Countries 3.0

course - Political Econ of Development 3.0

course - Islam and Politics 3.0

course - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0

Option 12.8 — Complete 4 of 10 Courses

African Politics and History.

course - Peoples of Africa 3.0

course - Intro International Dev Ed 3.0

course - Africa South of the Sahara 3.0

course - Early Africa 3.0

course - Modern Africa 3.0

course - S Africa Liberation 3.0

course - African Social Change 3.0

course - Islam in Africa 3.0

course - Slavery in Africa & Atlantic 3.0

course - African Politics 3.0