Applied English Linguistics (BA)
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Variable Credit Min
Variable Credit Max
Major Academic Plan
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Program Requirements
It is strongly recommended that Ling 198, a 2-credit-hour course, be taken early in a student's major. This course is recommended to help Applied English Linguistics majors focus on specific educational and occupational goals and to identify the career options or educational opportunities available to them. The course will introduce them to the resources needed for accessing information about graduate schools, internships, careers, and career development.
Requirement 1 — Complete 2 Courses
course - Intro to English Language 3.0
course - Career Explorations in Ling. 2.0
Requirement 2 — Complete 6 Courses
Core courses:
course - Intro to ELing Resrch Mthds 3.0
course - Hist of the English Language 3.0
course - Grammar of English 3.0
course - English Semantics & Pragmatics 3.0
course - English Phonetics & Phonology 3.0
course - The Senior Course - You may take once 3.0
Requirement 3 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following:
Complete university course work (or the equivalent) to a 200-level or higher in any single foreign language, including American Sign Language. (This requirement varies for Spanish. See the Humanities College Advisement Center.) The language for this requirement may be the same language used to satisfy the GE Foreign Language option, but note that the GE Foreign Language option may require more coursework than this requirement from the Applied English Linguistics major. For non-native speakers of English, the university TOEFL requirement satisfies this requirement for the Applied English Linguistics major. A language relevant to the historical development of English is strongly recommended, namely Latin, French, German, or Classical Greek.
Requirement 4 — Complete 6 hours
Courses NOT chosen to complete requirement 4 may be used to complete requirement 5.
course - Discourse Analysis 3.0
course - Text Processing and Analysis 3.0
course - Intro to Psycholinguistics 3.0
course - Intro to Sociolinguistics 3.0
course - Corpus Linguistics 3.0
Requirement 5 — Complete 1 of 4 Options
Primary Track: Within one option, complete 12 hours in courses not chosen for requirement 4 or 6.
Option 5.1 — Complete 12 hours
Linguistic Computing (recommended: LING 360 plus three other courses).
course - Research in the Digital Hum 3.0
course - Tools Development Seminar - You may take once 1.0v
course - Digital Humanities Project - You may take once 1.0v
course - Text Processing and Analysis 3.0
course - Speech Processing 3.0
course - Linguistic Tools 2 3.0
course - Problems in Translation 3.0
course - Corpus Linguistics 3.0
course - Natural Lang Processing 3.0
Note: See minor advisor to discuss how to obtain a LINGC minor:; note that up to 9 credit hours from the ELING major can also be counted toward the LINGC minor.
Option 5.2 — Complete 12 hours
TESOL/Language Acquisition
course - TESOL Listening, Speaking 3.0
course - TESOL Read, Write, Vocab 3.0
course - TESOL Course & Lesson Planning 3.0
course - TESOL Practicum 3.0
course - Structure of Modern English 3.0
course - First Language Acquisition 3.0
course - Second Language Acquisition 3.0
Note: See minor advisor to discuss how to obtain a TESOL minor or TESOL certificate:; note that TESOL minors are encouraged to declare during their junior year and that up 12 credit hours from the ELING major can be counted toward the TESOL minor.
Option 5.3 — Complete 12 hours
Language in Society
course - Modern American Usage 3.0
course - Lang. politics: Policy & Plng 3.0
course - Discourse Analysis 3.0
course - Soc. Media/Mrkt. Analysis 3.0
course - Intro to Varieties of English 3.0
course - Forensic and legal linguistics 3.0
course - Language Policy & Planning 3.0
course - Intro to Sociolinguistics 3.0
course - Anthropological Linguistics 3.0
Option 5.4 — Complete 12 hours
Language in History
course - Early Modern English 3.0
course - Late Modern English 3.0
course - Hist of the Book 3.0
course - Old English 1 3.0
course - Middle English 3.0
course - Language & Literature 3.0
course - Old English 2 3.0
course - English Language Paleography 3.0
course - Intro Histor-Comparative Ling 3.0
Requirement 6 — Complete 1 of 4 Options
Secondary Track: Within one option, complete 6 hours in courses not chosen for requirement 4 or requirement 5. Secondary track must be different from primary track used for requirement 5.
Option 6.1 — Complete 6 hours
Linguistic Computing (recommended: LING 360 plus three other courses).
course - Research in the Digital Hum 3.0
course - Tools Development Seminar - You may take once 1.0v
course - Digital Humanities Project - You may take once 1.0v
course - Text Processing and Analysis 3.0
course - Speech Processing 3.0
course - Linguistic Tools 2 3.0
course - Problems in Translation 3.0
course - Corpus Linguistics 3.0
course - Natural Lang Processing 3.0
Note: See minor advisor to discuss how to obtain a LINGC minor:; note that up to 9 credit hours from the ELING major can also be counted toward the LINGC minor.
Option 6.2 — Complete 6 hours
TESOL/Language Acquisition
course - TESOL Listening, Speaking 3.0
course - TESOL Read, Write, Vocab 3.0
course - TESOL Course & Lesson Planning 3.0
course - TESOL Practicum 3.0
course - Structure of Modern English 3.0
Note: See minor advisor to discuss how to obtain a TESOL minor or TESOL certificate:; note that TESOL minors are encouraged to declare during their junior year and that up 12 credit hours from the ELING major can be counted toward the TESOL minor.
Option 6.3 — Complete 6 hours
Language in Society
course - Modern American Usage 3.0
course - Lang. politics: Policy & Plng 3.0
course - Discourse Analysis 3.0
course - Soc. Media/Mrkt. Analysis 3.0
course - Intro to Varieties of English 3.0
course - Forensic and legal linguistics 3.0
course - Intro to Sociolinguistics 3.0
course - Anthropological Linguistics 3.0
Option 6.4 — Complete 6 hours
Language in History
course - Early Modern English 3.0
course - Late Modern English 3.0
course - Hist of the Book 3.0
course - Old English 1 3.0
course - Middle English 3.0
course - Language & Literature 3.0
course - Old English 2 3.0
course - English Language Paleography 3.0
course - Intro Histor-Comparative Ling 3.0
Requirement 7 — Complete 1 hour
Experiential Learning
course - Editing Student Journals - You may take once 1.0v
course - Academic Internship: Ling - You may take once 0.5v
For more information, including an FAQ regarding double-counting courses between this major and the Linguistic Computing or TESOL minors, visit