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Spanish Translation (BA) *

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Professional Translation Skills

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate professional translation skills by: (1) properly applying translation competence components (including linguistic extralinguistic transfer strategic instrumental); (2) employing research tools to investigate terminology and textual conventions adequate for different text types; (3) executing the translation process and associated problem solving and decision making processes in accordance with a set of specifications and a statement of purpose for the target text.


Language Competence

Learning Outcome

Students will speak listen read and write Spanish at the ACTFL Advanced Low level or better.


Cultural Competence

Learning Outcome

Students will identify cultural practices (e.g. customs and traditions) and cultural products (e.g. literatures arts institutions and individuals)from the Spanish-speaking world place them in their historical political and social contexts and interpret the unique perspectives on human experience that they reveal.


Critical Thinking and Expression

Learning Outcome

Students will analyze language literary texts and other cultural products and practices using sound thinking and clear expression.

Program Requirements

Licensure: This program meets the educational requirements designed to lead to an occupationally required professional license or certificate in the state of Utah. Students pursuing occupations requiring a license or certificate in a state other than Utah should contact the appropriate BYU academic advisement center as well as the licensing agency in the state where they intend to work to seek information and guidance regarding licensure and certification requirements.

It is strongly recommended that StDev 317, a 2-credit-hour course, be taken at the end of the sophomore year or the beginning of the junior year. Because liberal arts degrees provide preparation in a variety of useful fields rather than a single career track, this course is recommended to help liberal arts students focus on specific educational and occupational goals and to identify the career options or educational opportunities available to them. The course will introduce them to the resources needed for accessing information about graduate schools, internships, careers, and career development. Students will learn basic employment strategies, including the steps necessary for obtaining employment related to their own specialty.

Requirement 1 — Obtain confirmation from your advisement center that you have completed the following:

The Spanish and Portuguese Department requires a minimum of 18 hours of upper-division major credit to be taken in residence at BYU for this degree program. These hours may also go toward BYU's 30-hour residency requirement for graduation.

Requirement 2 — Complete 4 Courses

course - Computer-Assisted Translation 3.0

course - 3rd-Yr Span Read, Gram, & Cult 3.0

course - Survey of Hispanic Linguistics 3.0

course - Intro to Hispanic Literature 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 4 Courses

course - 3rd-Yr Spanish Composition 3.0

course - Spanish Medical Professions 3.0

course - Spanish Business Professions 3.0

course - Spanish Legal Professions 3.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Cultures of Spain 3.0

course - Cultures of Spanish America 3.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 6 hours

course - Survey of Lit of Spain 3.0

course - Survey of Lit of Span America 3.0

course - 4th Yr Grammar 3.0

course - Hist & Theory of Translation 3.0

course - Literary Translation 3.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 1 Requirement

Complete the following courses in sequence:

Requirement 6.1 — Complete 4 Courses

course - Intro to Translation 3.0

course - Spanish to English Translation 3.0

course - English to Spanish Translation 3.0

course - Trans & Interpretation Project 3.0

Requirement 7 — Complete 2 hours

course - Translation Localizatn Intern - You may take once 0.5v

course - Academic Internship - You may take once 0.5v

Requirement 8 — Complete 1 Course

course - Senior Proficiency Evaluation 0.5

Note: Course involves taking proficiency tests in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Students who have previously taken one or more of these tests must still in enroll in the class to complete the remaining tests. No particular passing score is required, although it is hoped that students reach Advanced Low or better.