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Latin Teaching (BA)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Mechanics of the Latin language

Learning Outcome

With minimal and informed recourse to dictionaries grammars commentaries and other translation aids students will be able to read and comprehend the prose and poetry of Classical Latin authors. Specifically they will be able to read and comprehend the writings of Caesar Vergil Cicero Tacitus and other Latin authors of comparable difficulty. Students will be able to compose Latin sentences and paragraphs in imitation of the style of Classical Roman masters.


Interpretation and analysis of Latin texts

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate their ability to write analytical papers or the equivalent that apply close readings to Classical literary texts to develop and clearly express original interpretations of these texts.


Understanding and contextualizing the culture of Rome

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate a broad knowledge and comprehension of the history literature philosophy and visual arts of Rome from the Regal Period to the decline of the Empire.



Learning Outcome

Demonstrate effective Latin teaching.

Program Requirements

Licensure: This program meets the educational requirements designed to lead to an occupationally required professional license or certificate in the state of Utah. Students pursuing occupations requiring a license or certificate in a state other than Utah should contact the appropriate BYU academic advisement center as well as the licensing agency in the state where they intend to work to seek information and guidance regarding licensure and certification requirements.

This major is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools. In order to graduate with this major, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education licensing requirements. To view these requirements go to or contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426.

For students accepted into the major after December 16, 2019, grades below C in any required coursework in a teaching major or teaching minor will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher once admitted into the program and to qualify for student teaching. For additional details on admission and retention requirements for teaching majors and teaching minors, see Educator Preparation Program Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

A teaching minor in another subject is strongly recommended. Teaching opportunities in public schools may be significantly reduced without a second teaching subject that a teaching minor provides.

Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course

course - Humanities & Professional Life 1.0

Requirement 2 — Complete 2 Courses

course - Golden Age of Rome 3.0

course - Roman History 3.0

Requirement 3 — Complete 1 of 2 Options

Note: Latin 101, 102, 111 may be waived with equivalent language experience.

Option 3.1 — Complete 2 Courses

course - 1st-Year Latin 4.0

course - 1st-Year Latin 4.0

Option 3.2 — Complete 1 Course

course - Beginning Latin Accelerated 5.0

Requirement 4 — Complete 6 Courses

NOTE: The Latin 302 course is the prerequisite for all 400-level Latin prose courses and the Latin 301 course is the prerequisite for all 400-level Latin poetry courses. Concurrent enrollment will be permitted only in rare and special cases and must have the approval both of the classics section head and of the instructor of the 400-level course concerned.

course - Intermediate Latin 4.0

course - Classical Latin Poetry 3.0

course - Classical Latin Prose 3.0

course - Secondary Tchg Procedures 3.0

course - Practicum in Teaching Latin 1.0

course - Latin Prose Composition 3.0

Requirement 5 — Complete 1 of 3 Courses

course - Intro to Greek & Roman Lit 3.0

course - Classical Tradition 1 3.0

course - Greek&Roman Mythology 3.0

Requirement 6 — Complete 1 Requirement

Requirement 6.1 — Complete 12 hours

course - Ancient Literary Criticism 3.0

course - Seminar in Classical Lit - You may take once 3.0

course - Topics: Ancient Greek History - You may take once 3.0

course - Latin Vulgate & Christian Text - You may take once 3.0

course - Livy 3.0

course - Vergil 3.0

course - Ovid 3.0

course - Cicero 3.0

course - Plautus & Terence 3.0

course - Catullus 3.0

course - Imprl Trag & Epic 3.0

course - Latin Epistle 3.0

course - Horace 3.0

course - Tacitus 3.0

course - Roman Satire 3.0

course - Medieval Latin 3.0

course - Topcs Latin Liter - You may take once 0.5v

Note: Latin 411R may be taken only once.

IHum 311: Advanced Writing in Comparative Arts and Humanities is recommended to complete the Advanced Written and Oral Communication GE requirement.

Requirement 7 — Complete 2 Requirements

Licensure requirements: Contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426, to schedule the final interview to clear your application for the secondary teaching license. You should be registered for your last semester at BYU prior to the scheduled appointment.

Requirement 7.1 — Complete 7 Courses

NOTE: FBI fingerprint and background clearance must be completed before enrollment in FLang 276.

course - Educ Stdnts w/Disablts in ScEd 2.0

course - Exploration-Tchg Foreign Lang 4.0

course - Integrating K-12 Ed Tec 1 1.0

course -Integrating K-12 in El. Ed. 1.0

course - Tching K-12 Online/Blended Lrn 1.0

course - Multicultural Educ 2.0

course - Ad Dev & Class Mgmt 3.0

Requirement 7.2 — Complete 12 hours

SC ED 476R - Student Tchg Intrnshp-F Lang - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours - This course is no longer available.

course - Academic Internship - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 12.0

Student teachers/interns must complete three forms in their LiveText accounts (PIBS, CDS, FED) and attach their TWS to the LiveText account for their program. All four must be completed to be cleared for graduation.