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Mathematics Education (BS)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Assessment of Mathematical Learning

Learning Outcome

Graduates can design and use formative and summative assessments that monitor student progress inform instructional decisions and engage students in assessing their own mathematical learning.


Understanding of Mathematics Learners

Learning Outcome

Graduates make instructional decisions that 1) help students develop mathematical knowledge by building on prior knowledge and experience; 2) reflect how students differ cognitively linguistically socially emotionally and physically; 3) provide students regular opportunities to reason about and make sense of mathematics in an environment of high expectations and strong support.



Learning Outcome

Graduates understand central concepts tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline of mathematics as well as core representations canonical examples and alternative algorithms germane to teaching secondary school mathematics.


Instructional Design for Mathematics Learning

Learning Outcome

Graduates can design learning environments and mathematical experiences that engage all students in the exploration and development of mathematical ideas and can effectively foster these environments and orchestrate these experiences by promoting conceptual understanding procedural fluency and authentic mathematical practices.



Learning Outcome

Graduates demonstrate professionalism through maintaining appropriate relationships and behavior in the school setting and by seeking opportunities to improve practice and advance the profession through reflecting on practice soliciting and incorporating feedback and contributing to professional school and community organizations.


Spiritual Stewardship

Learning Outcome

Graduates seek integrity between their personal and professional lives consistent with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ by recognizing all students as children of God and striving to nurture their divine potential; applying gospel-centered principles of teaching and learning to family relationships gospel service and involvement in the community; and serving as examples of a Christ-centered life within their spheres of influence.



Learning Outcome

Graduates make instructional decisions that 1) develop students' understanding that mathematics and mathematical practices are human constructs that are socially situated; 2) provide mathematical and social positions that increase access for all students; 3) challenge systemic privilege and oppression in their classrooms; and 4) provide students opportunities to use mathematics to promote a socially just society.

Program Requirements

Licensure: This program meets the educational requirements designed to lead to an occupationally required professional license or certificate in the state of Utah. Students pursuing occupations requiring a license or certificate in a state other than Utah should contact the appropriate BYU academic advisement center as well as the licensing agency in the state where they intend to work to seek information and guidance regarding licensure and certification requirements.

This major is designed to prepare students to teach in public schools. In order to graduate with this major, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education licensing requirements. To view these requirements go to or contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426.

For students accepted into the major after December 16, 2019, grades below C in any required coursework in a teaching major or teaching minor will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher once admitted into the program and to qualify for student teaching. For additional details on admission and retention requirements for teaching majors and teaching minors, see Educator Preparation Program Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Requirement 1 —Complete 7 Courses

Core requirements. Note 1: Prerequisites for all mathematics education courses will be strictly adhered to. Note 2: FBI fingerprint and background clearance must be completed prior to enrollment in MthEd 276.

course - Critical Review of School Math 3.0

course - Exploration of Math Teaching 4.0

course - Task Design for Learning 3.0

course - Assessment of Learning 3.0

course - Teaching with Tech 3.0

course - Math Tchng in Public Schools 3.0

course - Practicum in Math Education 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 12 Courses

course - Calculus 1 4.0

course - Calculus 2 4.0

course - Elementary Linear Algebra 2.0

course - Computational Linear Algebra 1.0

course - Fundamentals of Mathematics 3.0

course - Calculus of Several Variables 3.0

course - Ordinary Differential Equation 3.0

course - Theory of Analysis 1 3.0

course - History & Philosophy of Math 3.0

course - Teaching Stats & Probability 3.0

course - Survey of Geometry 3.0

course - Intro to Stat Data Analysis 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 1 of 12 Courses

course - How to Program 3.0

course - Intro to Computer Science 3.0

course - Intro to Data Science 3.0

course - Combinatorics & Graph Theory 3.0

course - Abstract Algebra 1 3.0

course - Mathematics of Data Science 3.0

course - Mathematical Cryptography 3.0

course - Number Theory 3.0

course - Physics By Inquiry: Mechanics 3.0

course - Physics By Inquiry: Electricity 3.0

course - Stat for Engineers & Scientist 3.0

course - Statistical Modeling 1 3.0

A teaching minor is not needed for licensure. However, students interested in teaching an academic subject in addition to mathematics should consider pursuing a teaching minor in that discipline.

Requirement 4 —Complete 2 Requirements

Professional Education Component:

Licensure requirements: Contact the Education Advisement Center, 350 MCKB, 801-422-3426, to schedule the final interview to clear your application for the secondary teaching license. You should be registered for your last semester at BYU prior to the scheduled appointment.

Requirement 4.1 —Complete 3 Courses

course - Educ Stdnts w/Disablts in ScEd 2.0

course - Multicultural Educ 2.0

course - Ad Dev & Class Mgmt 3.0

Requirement 4.2 —Complete 12 hours

course - Student Teaching in Math - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 12.0

course - Academic Internship - Math - You may take up to 12.0 credit hours 12.0

Student teachers/interns must complete all required EPP assessments and paperwork in the Educator system.