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General Studies (BGS): Family Life Emphasis

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Family Life Bachelors BGS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours


Major Academic Plan


Aims of a BYU Education

Learning Outcome

Describe how their coursework in the BGS program has contributed to the aims of a BYU education: Spiritually strengthening Character building Intellectually enlarging Preparing for lifelong learning and service.


Marriage, Family, and Human Development Knowledge

Learning Outcome

Describe major theories and research findings related to marriage family living & human development.


Effective Writing and Critical Thinking

Learning Outcome

Write professional research papers in the discipline that demonstrate an ability to synthesize and critically evaluate research related to specific theories and/or substantive areas.

Program Requirements

Have 27 hours of campus residency.

Complete a minimum of 10 hours in the emphasis after formal admission to the BGS program.

Thirty of the 120 hours including 15 hours in the emphasis must be 300-level or above courses.

Students must earn a minimum 2.0 BYU grade point average, a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average, and a minimum 2.0 emphasis grade point average.

The program must be completed in eight years or less.

All emphasis courses taken after admission to BGS must be BYU courses.

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 Course

Prerequisite course (must be completed before taking any other courses, includes preparing academic plan which must be approved before proceeding):

course - Essential College Skills 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 4 Courses

Core courses:

course - Intro to Family Processes 3.0

course - Strengthening Marriage/Family 3.0

course - Human Development 3.0

course - Critical Inquiry&Research Meth 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 3 hours

Any courses not taken in requirement 3 above may be used toward fulfilling this three-hour elective requirement.

course - Introduction to Interiors 3.0

course - Food Preparation in the Home 2.0

course - Marriage Enhancement 3.0

course - Parenting & Child Guidance 3.0

course - Family Finance 3.0

course - Child Life 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 15 hours

BYU 300- or 400-level campus courses in the School of Family Life (including Salt Lake Center classes) may also be used to fill this requirement. Note: Only 3 credit hours of 399R may count toward the BGS degree requirements in Family Life. Additional 399R credits may be used as general electives for the upper division hour requirement and for total university hours.

course - Infant Dev in the Family 3.0

course - Adolescent Dev in Fam & Soc 3.0

course - Adult Development & Aging 3.0

course - Family Adaptation&Resiliency 3.0

course - Social Development 3.0

course - Language Development 3.0

course - Media, Fam & Human Dev 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 1 Course

Complete a capstone experience (last course to be completed):

course - BGS Capstone 2.0